La liste fait circuler les appels de dossiers en arts visuels, arts médiatiques, performance, art public. Les appels proviennent du Québec, mais aussi d’autres régions. Merci de faire circuler dans vos réseaux et auprès de vos membres et publics.
La Liste est compilée par Jean-Pierre Caissie et présentée par l’AGAVF.
1. appels du Québec
espace Odyssée
Concours jeune tête d’affiche / Dazibao
Monopoli galerie d’architecture
Diagonale centres des arts et des fibres du Québec
2. appels d’ailleurs
Commission des services policiers d?Ottawa et le Service de police d?Ottawa
Edmonton Public Art | Queen Elizabeth Pool public art project
Media Art Lab | Moscow: Media Forum 2009
Regent Park Film Festival
Programme national de prix 2009 de la fondation Héritage Canada
Toronto Sculpture Garden
Toronto Animated Image Society & Gallery 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography
“My True Colors” Mandala Contest
French Library Alliance Française of Boston
PUBLIC ART PROPOSALS – Lawrence University
Energy Gallery – Toronto
Verve Gallery of Photography
F-Stop mag
mooncruise* magazine
FICFA – Moncton
2009 RBC Canadian Painting Competition
Open Studio (Toronto): Call to Emerging Print Media Artists
1. appels du Québec
espace Odyssée
Maison de la culture de Gatineau
Appel aux artistes en art visuel contemporain
Call to artists in contemporary visual arts
English follows
Cet appel s?adresse aux artistes professionels pour le calendrier 2010 de l?espace Odyss?e.
Veuillez noter que nous traiterons seulement les demandes personnelles.
Le dossier devra inclure :
– Dix images des oeuvres propos?es en fichiers num?riques sur CD-ROM, DVD ou par courriel
– Unve fiche technique des oeuvres : titre, m?dium, dimensions, date
– Un curriculum vitae abr?g? ? jour
– Un texte d?crivant la d?marche artistique et le projet d?exposition
– Les liens pointant vers un site Web ne seront pas accept?s; les dossiers incomplets ne seront pas ?tudi?s
Tout les artistes seront inform?s par ?crit de la d?cision du jury.
Date limite pour la r?ception des dossiers : le lundi 25 mai 2009
Les propositions identifi?es ESPACE ODYSS?E doivent parvenir ? :
Marie H?l?ne Gigu?re, Coordonnatrice des espaces d?exposition
855, boul. de la Gappe, Gatineau (Qu?bec) J8T 8H9
T?l?phone : 819-243-2325 ? T?l?copieur : 819-243-2527
artimage [arobas] gatineau [point] ca ?
31 mai 2009
Concours jeune tête d’affiche / Dazibao
Lieu : Montréal (Québec) Canada
Dazibao, centre de photographies actuelles, offre à un artiste ayant complété sa maîtrise en arts visuels au courant de l’année 2008-2009 la chance de faire connaître son travail photographique.
Le dépliant de la programmation de Dazibao offre, sur une face, toutes les informations générales concernant le centre ainsi que celles concernant sa programmation annuelle. L’autre face est dédiée à l’œuvre d’un artiste en début de carrière sélectionné par le présent appel de dossiers. Tirée à plus de 10 000 exemplaires, cette affiche bénéficie d’une vaste distribution sur le plan local, national et international, offrant une visibilité exceptionnelle à l’œuvre choisie.
1. un maximum de 10 images sur support numérique (un CD-ROM configuré en PowerPoint pour Mac)
2. un bref texte décrivant votre démarche artistique (maximum de 250 mots).
Les propositions incomplètes ou mises à la poste après la date limite ou transmises par messagerie électronique ne seront pas acceptées.
Envoyer à :
Concours Jeune tête d’affiche
Dazibao, centre de photographies actuelles
4001 rue Berri, espace 202
Montréal (Québec) H2L 4H2
Appel à Participation pour « L’HOMME À LA CAMÉRA : LA REPRISE GLOBALE » qui sera à la Biennale de Montréal du 1 au 31 mai 2009.
Il s’agit d’une vidéo participative inspirée par le chef d’œuvre de Vertov, L’Homme à la caméra. Tout le monde est invité à télécharger des extraits vidéo. Les contributions font partie d’une base de données à partir de laquelle le logiciel crée un montage selon l’original. Pour participer, cliquez sur les tags ou les scènes – pour les scènes choisissez une, cliquez sur les plans. On invite l’interprétation, ce n’est pas nécessaire imiter l’original. Votre site web est lié sous le titre Participants si vous donnez votre url.
Chaque jour le logiciel crée une nouvelle version du film. À gauche vous avez l’original de Vertov, a droite la reprise. Le logiciel alterne les téléchargements donc la reprise n’est jamais la même. Les plans noirs attendent un téléchargement. Peut-être que vous pouriez les remplir ?
[Séquence] est un centre d’artistes professionnels situé au Saguenay – Lac-Saint-Jean. Fondé en 1983, [Séquence] est un organisme professionnel autogéré. Son conseil d’administration est composé d’artistes et de personnes impliquées à divers titres dans le monde des arts et de la culture. Son action vise prioritairement à soutenir les artistes professionnels dans l’exercice de leur métier.
Soumission de dossier :
Appel de dossiers, artistes et commssaires en tout temps.
Vous avez une exposition ou un événement à nous proposer? N’hésitez pas à nous en faire part, sachant bien que MONOPOLI est un organisme sans but lucratif (sans activité marchande) et ne présente que des événements reliés à sa mission, qui est de « stimuler et diffuser le débat et la création dans les disciplines de l’architecture, de l’urbanisme et du paysage ».
En tout temps, nous serons heureux d’étudier les dossiers reçus, sous la forme suivante :
* Un curriculum vitae ou un profil de l’organisme, le collectif ou l’artiste soumissionnaire, avec des exemplesde réalisations passées (textes, images, articles…) ;
* Un texte de présentation décrivant le projet d’exposition (3 pages environ) ;
* Une liste descriptive du corpus envisagé pour l’exposition (nombre et type d’éléments, matériaux,dimensions, médiums) ;
* 10 à 20 images (format numérique de préférence) ;
* Les coordonnées complètes du ou des soumissionnaires, incluant poste et téléphone ;
* Autant que possible : un budget détaillé (formulaire disponible en format pdf) (à suivre);
* Si désiré : tout autre document jugé pertinent (catalogues, dossiers de presse…) ainsi qu’une enveloppe retour affranchie.
Critères de sélection :
* Qualité du contenu intellectuel et artistique de l’exposition proposée ;
* Qualité du portfolio et de la démarche du soumissionnaire ;
* Pertinence de la proposition en regard de la mission de MONOPOLI et de son calendrier.
Plan et images du local de MONOPOLI :
* Télécharger le plan avec mesures;
* Télécharger une coupe de la vitrine;
* Images du local d’exposition (à suivre);
* Photo immersive réalisée par Jean-Guy Bergeron: déplacez le curseur dans l’image afin de circuler librement chez MONOPOLI!
Les conditions de réalisation sont négociées, au cas par cas, entre le soumissionnaire et MONOPOLI, une fois le projet retenu par la direction artistique et le comité de programmation.
Tout dossier reçu et complet recevra réponse dans les trois mois et restera confidentiel.
NB : MONOPOLI s’est engagé, par charte, à appliquer les politiques de respect de la propriété intellectuelle, selon les normes les plus rigoureuses en vigueur au Canada.
Date de tombée: 1er novembre 2009
Diagonale invite les commissaires et les artistes en arts visuels à proposer leurs dossiers pour les programmations 2010-2011 et 2011-2012.
Diagonale regroupe une centaine d’artistes du Québec et du Canada. Nous avons pour premier objectif la promotion et la diffusion du travail des atistes en arts visuels et médiatiques qui utilisent les techniques et/ou les procédés relevant du domaine des arts de la fibre. Le centre établit un dialogue avec les artistes de toutes les disciplines afin de favoriser le métissage au niveau des idées.
La programmation du centre est établie au minimum deux années à l’avance. Les artistes ou les projets d’exposition sont sélectionnés par un comité de membres et d’invités extérieurs.
Diagonale encourage la réalisation d’activités novatrices qui élargissent la notion de concept fibre.
Vous devez envoyer:
•10 images numérisées identifiées ou tout autre support pertinent
•Curriculum vitæ (en trois copies)
•démarche artistique (en trois copies)
•texte d’intention et /ou une description du projet (en trois copies)
•et une enveloppe de retour pré-affranchie si vous désirez que votre dossier vous soit retourné.
à l’adresse suivante:
centre des arts et des fibres du Québec
5455, rue de Gaspé, espace 203,
H2T 3B3
Merci à tous les artistes qui enverront un dossier.
tél 514 524 6645
info [arobas] artdiagonale [point] org
2. appels d’ailleurs
Le Programme d’art public lance un appel aux artistes.
Demande de propositions
La Commission des services policiers d?Ottawa et le Service de police d?Ottawa sont fiers d?annoncer que la construction du Poste de patrouille de la division Ouest, au 211 de la promenade Huntmar, a commenc?.
Destin? ? servir la communaut? de l?Ouest d?Ottawa, ce poste devrait ?tre achev? d?ici la fin de 2009. Situ? au centre de Kanata, sur un terrain de 5,6 acres, il sera constitu? d?une structure autoportante de plain-pied s??tendant sur 41 000 pieds carr?s.
Le b?timent recevra la certification LEEDTM (syst?me d??valuation des b?timents ?cologiques) Argent et s?appuiera sur les crit?res du programme en ce qui a trait ? la viabilit? et au rendement globaux des b?timents dans cinq principaux domaines concernant la sant? des humains et de leur milieu : l?am?nagement ?cologique des sites, la gestion efficace de l’eau, l?efficacit? ?nerg?tique, le choix des mat?riaux et la qualit? du milieu int?rieur. Conform?ment ? la politique Pourcentage pour les arts, le Programme d’art public de la Ville d’Ottawa accepte actuellement des propositions d??uvres d?art public int?gr?es pour un espace situ? ? l?int?rieur de ce nouveau poste de police.
Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements sur la certification LEED, visitez le
L’appel aux artistes int?gral, notamment admissibilit?, exigences pour
la conception du projet d’art public, site, crit?res de s?lection, est
sur le site Web de la ville ?
L?appel ? projets est lanc? ? tous les artistes professionnels habitant dans un rayon de 150 km d?Ottawa. Les participants doivent ?tre citoyens canadiens ou avoir un statut d?immigrant re?u. Tant les artistes que les ?quipes dirig?es par des artistes sont invit?s ? proposer un projet.
Le budget de cette commande est de 80 000 $, TPS en sus.
date limite
Les soumissions doivent ?tre re?ues par la poste ou en mains propres au plus tard le 20 avril 2009 ? 15 h. (Il ne s?agit pas d?une date limite du cachet postal). Les soumissions transmises par t?l?copieur ou par courrier ?lectronique ne seront pas accept?es. Les propositions incompl?tes ou tardives ne seront pas examin?es.
Pour plus de renseignements :
Site web :
Courriel : programmedartpublic [arobas] ottawa [point] ca
T?l?phone : 613-244-4433
*Hotshot is on the hunt for four fabulous curators. Each successful candidate will be given one annual group show to make their own, an honorarium for their time and *Hotshot covers all show and promotional expenses. We are looking for creative open minds, contemporary ideas, all artistic backgrounds and all levels of experience. Deadline May 1, 2009
Send your bio, resume, low res jpgs of past work and a one pager on the type of show you would like to create to ella [arobas] hotshotkensington [point] com
OPEN SPACE – Call for Proposals! Open to All Artistic Disciplines!
*Hotshot is looking for proposals for unique activities/events/shows for our new “Open Space” series
Open Space is a new series dedicated to creating activities, events and shows which are interactive, inspire community involvement and are accessible to all.
Open Space was created to capitalize on the days or weeks in between shows when the space is empty and full of creative opportunity.
Help us create something fun, interactive and informal – We welcome bright new ideas that challenge and play with the conventional ideas of art shows and exhibitions.
Here are some of the ideal qualities we are looking for in your proposal
* Easy to setup and breakdown
* Works as an activity/event/performance and finished product
* Encourages people to get involved, have fun, participate and play
Art Interventions, Dance, Theatre, Film Screenings, New Media Installations and Clothing Swaps are just some of the ways to use this space….all artistic disciplines are welcome!
* First, and Last name
* One page or less on how you would like to use the space
* Low res jpgs of your work (Maximum 4 images) / URL’s with your work/Description and photos (if available) of past activities and events
* Phone number
* Any special requirements if applicable
There is no deadline for Open Space proposals, but please send in your ideas ASAP we’re looking forward to hearing from you!
Please email required information to proposal [arobas] hotshotkensington [point] com
*Hotshot is a new exhibition, event and retail space in the heart of Kensington Market. Established in 2008, *Hotshot is made up of a group of local artists, designers and creative entrepreneurs who have been active in the market and the Toronto arts community for quite some time. We are now looking to create a new space that is true to the character of the market by providing a venue that is open and accessible to all.
Our goal is to showcase new art works, unique events and provide a modular retail environment that is continually being adapted to match the changing concepts within the space.
181 Augusta Avenue
See *Hotshot Website for hours of operation.
Date limite : 15 avril 2009
La Galerie Sans Nom sollicite des propositions d’artistes, de collectifs ou de commissaires pour la programmation 2009/2010.
Les dossiers devront comprendre:
une lettre d’intention (indiquez clairement le nom du projet proposé et son contexte de présentation)
une description détaillée du projet
les besoins techniques du projet proposé
un curriculum vitae ou une biographie
de dix à quinze exemples de travaux récents (format numérique)
une liste détaillée du matériel d’appui
une enveloppe de retour pré-affranchie (si vous souhaitez que votre dossier soit retourné)
un dossier de presse (facultatif)
* La Galerie Sans Nom respecte les cachets d’artistes recommandés par CARFAC.
La Galerie Sans Nom est un centre d’artistes voué à la présentation des arts visuels et multidisciplinaires canadiens. Depuis 1977, elle appuie les initiatives d’artistes, favorisant l’expérimentation et l’innovation. Sa programmation tient compte des tendances de l’art actuel et reflète les préoccupations et les réalités contemporaines, tout en étant pertinente pour son milieu et sa communauté d’artistes. La GSN étend ses activités à une variété de pratiques et de disciplines afin de répondre aux besoins changeant d’une communauté diverse dans un milieu urbain en croissance.
Posted: 26 Mar 2009 09:35 AM PDT
The TED HARRISON ARTIST RETREAT (THARS) in Yukon in accepting applications for Residencies between June 2009 an June 2010.
We encourage all visual artists to apply, both established and emerging artists. The deadline for applications is April 27, 2009. All of the information about the Retreat, past artists, and the “Call for Submissions’ can be found on our website at
Edmonton Public Art | Queen Elizabeth Pool public art project | APR 28
Call to Artists – Queen Elizabeth Pool public art project
The Queen Elizabeth Pool public art competition, open to all Canadian and
international visual artists, is held in accordance with the City of
Edmonton policy
“Percent for Art to Provide and Encourage Art in Public Areas” (C458B).
Budget: $32,800 CAD (maximum, all inclusive)
Deadline for Submissions: 4:30 pm on Tuesday, April 28th, 2009
Installation: Summer 2010
Visit our website to download the Request for Proposals document:
Kristy Trinier
Public Art Director
Edmonton Public Art
Edmonton Arts Council
Suite 808, 10310 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2W4
PH: 780-424-2787 x 2
FX: 780-425-7620
Media Art Lab | Moscow: Media Forum 2009 | MAY 5
X Media Forum
in the frame of XXXI Moscow International Film Festival
23-28 June 2009
Organizers: Centre for art and culture MediaArtLab, MediaFest, Moscow
Venues: “October” Cinema hall, “GazGallery”, Central House of Cinema, “Era”
Please find everything in:
Elena V. Rumyantseva, MediaArtLab program director
Nikitsky blvd, 12A, of. 736
119019, Moscow
Russian Federation
cell: + 7 (916) 358 67 52
Tel: + 7 (495) 291 88 93
Regent Park Film Festival | JUN 1
Regent Park Film Festival (RPFF) is the sole community film festival in
Canada’s largest and oldest innercity neighbourhood; an area populated
predominantly by new immigrants. The independent films we showcase, of all
genres, are from our regions of origin (First Nations, Africa, Asia and the
Caribbean) as well as from across Canada and other parts of the world. Our
programming celebrates differences and solidarity, immigrant experiences,
inner city issues, cultural identity and multicultural relationships. All
our screenings as well as childcare are free-of-charge and we pay artist fees.
Final Deadline: Monday, June 1st, 2009 (NO ENTRY FEE)
• All lengths and genres accepted
• Preview copy must be in Mini DV, DVD, or Blu-Ray Disc (NTSC) only.
(Please do not send masters)
• Films in foreign languages must be subtitled in English
• The participant must pay print shipping costs to Toronto. The festival
will only pay the cost of shipping exhibition prints back to the participant.
• For international submissions: The customs declaration should clearly
state the preview video has no commercial value, is for temporary
consideration and for cultural use only. If using a courier, never send
work to Canada by UPS (United Parcel Service), as they charge large customs
and duties charges. Regent Park Film Festival will not cover the resulting
customs and duties charges, and will refuse the package.
• All preview tapes will be added to the Regent Park Film Festival archives
unless accompanied by a request for return and a self-addressed stamped
envelope (for submissions from outside of Canada please use International
Postal Coupons).
Original Title:
English Title:
Year of Production:
Country of Film:
Premiere: Yes or No
Director or Distributor’s Name:
Film Description:
(50 Words Maximum)
Send entry form/technical info and preview tapes to:
401 Richmond Street West Suite 354. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. M5V 3A8
director [arobas] regentparkfilmfestival [point] com with subject line: RPFF submission 2009
Posted: 30 Mar 2009 04:38 PM PDT
Deadline April 15, 2009
The Calgary Glass Initiative is dedicated to building a legacy of local, national, and international awareness of the Calgary Art Glass Community. It is the tenet of the C.G.I. that Calgary now holds the capacity to become a leading centre for Glass Art, Craft and Design. The Calgary Glass Initiative’s aim is to act as a catalyst, to unveil the city’s potential and drive its budding glass scene into the light of public awareness. Through the development of locally centered annual glass exhibition it is the hope of the C.G.I. to situate glass in the public consciousness.The Call: The Calgary Glass Initiative is organizing a juried exhibition open to all Calgary region glass artists. This exhibition will be juried by four recognized craft professionals; Norman Faulkner, Virginia Eichhorn, Tom McFall and Charles Lewton Brain. The exhibition will take place in the Triangle Gallery of Visual Arts, a public gallery administered by the Calgary Contemporary Arts Society. This gallery space is suitable for pedestal, wall, and installation pieces. Artists working in all categories of glass: blown, kiln-formed, stained glass, lamp-worked, and mixed media are encouraged to submit 3 digital images of glass art. These images must be of work that will be exhibited in the show
* Criteria: Artists from Calgary and/or surrounding area and Work must have been created within the last two years
* Submission Requirements: Please email submissions to submissions [arobas] calgaryglassinitiative [point] com
* Images: -3 images – one detail shot per piece may be included -image size – 72 dpi maximum of 1024 X 768 pixels jpeg format -image title must follow the format:01initialsyeartitle.jpg i.e. 01JR08Nascent.jpg
* Description Sheet: -an image description sheet that details: image title, size, materials used, date created -the image description sheet should be titled: initialsimagedescriptionsheet.doc -all images should be have a title and number that corresponds to the description sheet
* Artist Statement: -a statement that pertains to the images submitted -the statement should be titled: initialsstatement.doc i.e. JRstatement.doc
* Additional Information: -email submissions must have artist name and contact information -chosen work must have print ready images available for publication -participants are responsible for delivery and picking up their pieces from the show. -any submissions do not follow these requirements will not be included in the jurying process -for information or assistance contact: info [arobas] calgaryglassinitiative [point] com
Exhibition Dates: November 19 – December 17, 2009
Artists Reception: November 17, 2009, starting at 7:30 pm
Appel de candidatures – Programme national de prix 2009 de la
fondation Héritage Canada
« Le programme national de prix reconnaît les personnes, les organisations et les municipalités dont l’action donne vie aux lieux historiques du Canada. La cérémonie de remise des prix organisée dans le cadre de la conférence annuelle de la fondation Héritage Canada aura lieu à Toronto, au mois de septembre. » La FHC vous invite à proposer une mise en candidature au plus tard le 30 avril 2009. Pour de plus amples renseignements concernant les mises en candidature et obtenir la liste des lauréats des années précédentes, consultez :
(La fondation Héritage Canada)
The Toronto Sculpture Garden has been a leader in Canada in the commissioning of contemporary sculpture since it opened in 1981. Located in an urban park in the downtown core, it serves as a testing ground for artists to explore public space and to address issues of urban context, materials and scale.
The TSG is a non-collecting institution that is unique in its partnership between the City of Toronto, which owns and operates the site as a city park, and the Louis L. Odette Family, benefactors who created the non-profit L.L.O. Sculpture Garden Foundation which funds and administers the exhibitions. Exhibitions are selected by an Art Advisory Board working with the director, Rina Greer.
Newly commissioned work becomes property of the artist and may be offered for sale after the conclusion of the exhibition.
The TSG’s Art Advisory Board meets three times a year to review specific proposals. Preference is given to new work that responds to the site; only in exceptional cases will existing work be considered. We are currently looking for exhibitions for May 2010 and beyond. Proposals must be received by the deadlines each year on January 15, May 15 and September 15.
Proposals require:
* Drawing(s) showing dimensions and materials and the location of the work on the site.
* Brief statement of Theme
* Budget showing materials, installation/removal, transportation, and critical costs
* 10-20 slides, photographs or colour copies (no CD, DVD or video) of relevant work
* C.V.
For complete proposal information, including fee structure and site map:
Call for applications to:
Toronto Animated Image Society & Gallery 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography
Deadline for Proposals: April 24, 2009
Gallery 44 and TAIS are seeking proposals for a commissioned project that brings together photography and animation. Each successful applicant will produce a 1 to 3 minute photo-based animation exploring the subject of “feeling photography”, the title and theme of a conference hosted by the Toronto Photography Seminar in October 2009. The animations will be premiered in the Vitrines of Gallery 44 during the Feeling Photography conference.
The conference “Feeling Photography” will bring together scholars working in a range of interpretive and theoretical approaches to interrogate the relationship between affect, emotion, and/or feeling and photographic meaning. Gallery 44 and TAIS want to support the creation of artworks that explore similar themes.
Projects will be completed between May and August 2009. TAIS and Gallery 44 will offer support for the development and production process of the projects.
Selected artists will receive:
* Gallery 44 Membership
* TAIS Full Studio Membership
* $300 honorarium
* Photo Animation Workshop at TAIS
* Imacon and Flatbed Scanning workshop at Gallery 44
* $50 materials fee
Each application must include:
* Project description – 200 to 300 words
* CV, resume, or brief bio
* Samples of recent work (i.e., CD or DVD for time-based artists; maximum of 10 images on CD for visual artists)
* A self-addressed, stamped envelope. Submissions without a SASE will not be returned.
Toronto Animated Image Society is a non-profit artist-run centre that explores and promotes the art of animation and supports animators as artists. Over the past 20 years, TAIS has encouraged the exchange of information, facilities, ideas and aesthetics within Toronto’s animation community through events, screenings, workshops, art exhibitions and by providing affordable access to a specialized animation studio.
Gallery 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography is a non-profit artist-run centre committed to the advancement of photographic art. Founded in 1979 to establish a creative, supportive environment in which photography could flourish, today our centre consists of a gallery, resource centre, darkroom and production facilities. We offer workshops, equipment rental, and serve a membership of artists and photo enthusiasts. Our goal is to contribute to the dialogue on contemporary Canadian photographic art practice and to foster its support, understanding and appreciation.
Contact and mailing address for submissions:
Tara Schorr
Toronto Animated Image Society
60 Atlantic Avenue, Suite 102
Toronto. Ontario
M6K 1X9
Email: tais [arobas] bellnet [point] ca
“My True Colors” Mandala Contest. Sponsored by Aura House. Mandalas must express what the artist perceives as his/her true colors. Entries will be judged on creativity, originality and how well they reflect the “My True Colors” theme. Winners will be announced by May 31, 2009. No entry fee.
For details, visit:
The French Library Alliance Française of Boston (FAB) is currently accepting proposals from francophone and francophile visual artists for our Fall 2009 – Spring 2010 Gallery Exhibitions. Our unique gallery is located in the heart of Back Bay and is available for month-long fine arts exhibitions. Entry fee.
Attention: Gallery
53 Marlborough St
Boston MA 02116
stagiaire [arobas] frenchlib [point] org
A liberal arts college is seeking qualified individuals to create a large public artwork for its new Richard and Margot Warch Campus Center. This artwork will be suspended in the main level entryway, must exist within specific dimensions (see specifications and photographs), and must be appropriate for an academic setting. The budget for this permanent art project is $50,000 and is intended to cover all associated costs including, but not limited to – fabrication, materials, engineer fees, artist’s fees, travel, shipping, insurance, etc. Exception: Lawrence University will cover costs associated with the installation of the artwork.
Rob Neilson
Department of Art & Art History
Warch Campus Center Art Commission
Lawrence University
Box 599
Appleton WI 54911-0599
rob [point] neilson [arobas] lawrence [point] edu
CALL FOR “2-3-D-12” SUBMISSIONS – May 20, 2009
All 2-d artworks (paintings, drawings, photographs, digital images) and “2 dimensional documentations” of 3-d artworks (sculptures, installations, media/real time projects).
For more information:
Energy Gallery
Toronto, Canada
info [arobas] energygallery [point] com
call for applications – art workshop by Casino – Luxembourge – Forum d’art contemporain
The 7th Asia-Europe Art Camp – Art Workshop for Visual Arts 2009/2010
Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain
41, rue Notre-Dame / B.P. 345L – 2013 LuxembourgT (+352) 22 50 45 / F (+352) 22 95 95Phone: +352 22 50 45Fax: +352 22 95 95Contact: Fabienne Bernardinifabienne [point] bernardini [arobas] casino-luxembourg [point] luwww [point] artworkshop [point] luApplication deadline: 15 April 2009
Call for applicationsThe 7th Asia-Europe Art Camp – Art Workshop for Visual Arts 2009/2010 is a joint initiative by the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) and the Art Workshop organised by Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain and University of Luxembourg to bring together 9 European and 9 Asian visual artists, who will be selected by an international jury comprising workshop leaders and organisers through this open call for application. It will take place at Casino Luxembourg (Luxembourg) from 5–19 July 2009 and in Shanghai (China) from 9–14 April 2010 and from 8–17 July 2010.Workshop leaders: Sylvie Blocher (artist, lives and works in Saint-Denis, France)Paul di Felice (curator, publisher, teacher researcher at the University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)Workshop leader from China to be determined soon.Lecturers:Francoise Vergès (researching professor at the Centre for Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths College, London, United Kingdom)Bernard Stiegler (philosopher and author, director of the Institute of Research and Innovation at Centre Pompidou, Paris, France)Moved, Mutated and Disturbed Identities has been set as this year’s theme to challenge European and Asian artists to work on realities and identities in both China and Luxembourg.In general, the representation of identities is complex. Only parts are visible, because presentable. Reading between the lines, looking behind the facade is made difficult. When represented, thus simplified, identities create fronts and barriers, disturbed ones may open up spaces for negotiation, change, infiltration, segmentation, transformation, alienation, discovery, re-appropriation …Movement, mutation and disturbance of identities can happen at micro and macro scales. Individuals, groups, communities, citizens, cities, states etc. can be the subjects or objects concerned by these acts and affected to become constructed identities, changing identities, fake identities, multiple identities, lost identities, split identities, refuted identities, hidden identities, repressed identities etc.During this international post master residency programme, the artists are invited to respond to the theme through local contexts, states and situations. Several lectures will be organised. The selected participants are expected to present their works, to engage in art-making and fieldwork, and to produce individual works for an exhibition in Luxembourg and one in Shanghai. They will also have to make a presentation at the Luxembourg Pavilion during the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai. Accommodation, daily fees and travel costs will be covered by the organisers. For more information, please visit
Verve Gallery of Photography welcomes portfolio submissions. Verve is a private gallery in Santa Fe, New Mexico that features and sells contemporary fine art photography.
Verve is open to new work in all photographic based media, subjects, styles and schools. We look for artists who have a mastery of the photographic medium, demonstrate vitality and originality in expression, excellence in composition, and have verve in imagination. We apply these criteria in selecting work in each of the following categories.
Verve has three categories of submissions:
Verve’s Represented Artists.
Verve’s Represented Artists are those photographers that Verve features throughout the year and with whom Verve has a committed long-term business relationship. Photographers who are interested in such representation are invited to submit their work in this category.
Contemporary Documentary Photographers —Photojournalism.
In mid-winter Verve hosts an exhibition of contemporary documentary photography or photojournalism. The show may be either a group show or the work of a single photographer. Verve generally schedules this show more than a year in advance. Photojournalists are invited to submit work.
Emerging Photographers.
Verve welcomes the work of emerging artists. We feature one emerging artist at a time on Verve’s website. Once the work is selected by Verve it will be shown on Verve’s website as an on-line exhibition. As a general rule, the work will be up on the website for a period of four to eight weeks. The on-line exhibition of a single emerging artist will complement and run concurrently with a Verve Gallery exhibition. Please indicate in your submission that you wish to be considered as an Emerging Photographer.
Please Note: In submitting your work to Verve for gallery representation in any or all of the categories, and if accepted by Verve, Verve expects to be your exclusive gallery and agent in New Mexico throughout the term of any agreement with Verve.
Verve’s submission guidelines:
Verve receives a large number of portfolios to review. Your cooperation is necessary in order for us to give your work a full, fair and timely review. Please review and follow these guidelines carefully. Thank you.
Verve’s is a green business. We request that you send your submission via email. We are not responsible for items sent to the gallery. In a concise email, with the subject of the email your surname followed by your first name, please provide the following:
1. Contact Information.
(Name, Address, Telephone Number(s), Email Address)
2. Category for Review.
In your letter of transmittal please advise us in which category or categories you wish to be considered.
3. Website.
If you do not have a website with the following information, please send the following attachments with your submission (All documents should be in Microsoft Word or PDF.)
A. Resume.
Please include your contact information, as well as your education, your experience in photography, and other relevant information with respect to your experience as a fine art photographer. Please list all gallery representations, exhibition history, and collections that have your work (private and public).
B. Artist Statement.
Provide us with an artist statement for each body of work submitted.
C. Images (Bodies of Work)
Please provide us with ten (10) jpgs, either compressed into a zip file, or attached separately to the body of the email. You should make certain images are 72 dpi at 6” width or length. If you are submitting more than one body of work, please e-mail 10 jpgs of each succeeding body of work in a subsequent email. The title in the subject heading of each succeeding email should contain your last name, first name and Portfolio Submission #2, (for example: Scanlan, J: Portfolio Submission #2)
D. Image File Names
Name your image files as follows: last name, underscore, first name initial, underscore, image title. If your image is untitled, designate the image as Untitled_1, Untitled_2, etc. (Example: Scanlan_J_New Mexico Moonset; or Scanlan_J_Untitled_1, etc.)
4. Please address all submissions to: submissions [arobas] vervefinearts [point] com
5. Notification
You should expect to hear from Verve via email. Notification will be in writing, either by letter or email.
Please understand that we have outstanding commitments to our gallery artists and those commitments necessarily take precedence over portfolio reviews. Moreover, Verve receives a number of portfolios weekly. We appreciate your patience.
6. Gallery Representation by VERVE Gallery of Photography
All Verve’s agreements to represent artists are in writing. The writings take the form of a letter of invitation, letter with show date commitments, etc. and a written Consignment Agreement. These letters and the consignment agreement set out the terms which govern Verve’s relationship with artist photographers and vice versa. Until you have these documents in hand and both parties execute Verve’s Consignment Agreement, Verve has no commitment to represent either you or your work. The terms of Verve’s letters and the Consignment Agreement are not varied by any conditions, terms, or stipulations set out in any delivery memorandum, packing slips and/or correspondence accompanying any submission.
Any questions with respect to submissions should be addressed to:
Gallery Director, submissions [arobas] vervefinearts [point] com (505) 982-5009
Thank you for your interest.
Best wishes,
Jennifer Schlesinger
Gallery Director
F-Stop mag
How to Participate:
1. Submit your photography for consideration to the upcoming Issue listed below.
2. Suggest a theme for a future issue.
3. Submit a photography review, short essay related to photography, or an interview of a photographer. You may want to propose your idea before writing.See HERE for details.
4.Promote a photography project on F-Stop. See HERE for details.
5. Join F-Stop’s Yahoo Group:
Issue #35 : : : Portfolio Issue : : : June | July ::
Issue #35 will be a portfolio issue. This is intended to mean a body of work. Please include an artist statement or a artist statement/bio combination. Submit 12-20 images following the guidelines below. Images must be recieved by May 15. Issue 35 will have an expected publication date of June 1, 2009.
Email Subject line should indicate which issue you are submitting for. Please send your images in 1 email if at all possible and please try to attach the files NOT embed them.
A. Image Specifications: Submit up to 12 images as jpegs at 72ppi and 600 pixels FOR THE LONGEST EDGE (for a horizontal picture=width, for a verticle picture=height) .
B. Image Quality: Please be sure to clean up any dust or scratches before you send your files (unless it is intentional).
C. File Naming: Please name the files with your FIRST name OR FIRST name and LAST INITIAL and a number with NO SPACES OR DASHES or non number or letters! (firstname1.jpg, firstname2.jpg etc) If you send links to your images make sure the images are the proper size and have the proper file names as described above -however it is preferred that you send your images as attachments.
Please include with your submission:
1. your name
2. where you are from
3. the titles for your photographs (in the text of the email not in links or file names)
4. your email address in the text of the email (leave blank if you dont want your email listed on the contributors page if included in the issue)
5. a url if you have one, even if you have submitted before, in the text of the email.
Submissions Email: fstopmagazine [arobas] gmail [point] com
The chosen featured artist from issue 34 will recieve a camera pack from FStop Gear – F-Stop offers a line of hardworking packs and bags that are ready to go anywhere you need to be. No matter how severe the conditions they will protect your gear and keep you organized.
please include an artist statement/bio for your portfolio
If you have any questions or have difficulty sending your images please email.
By submitting photos for publication in F-Stop Magazine you are stipulating to us that you own copyright to these photographs or have permission from the copyright holder to submit these photographs. You are granting F-Stop Magazine a non-exclusive license to use the photograph in its submitted form, subject to re-sizing to fit the magazine format, for publication on the F-Stop website for as long as the website exists. Please note that back issues of F-Stop may remain available in the archive for as long as the website exists. If an image is used as a cover to the magazine you are granting F-Stop Magazine permission to use it for promotion on sites such as and
None of the photographs may be downloaded, stored, printed, manipulated, distributed, or used in any form without prior written permission from the copyright holder. Works published on this website are protected under domestic and international copyright laws and are not considered to be public domain.
Should you, for any reason, wish your photographs to be removed from the website, we will make every effort to do so. However, please note also that third parties such as educational institutions, search engines or individuals may download, save, store or archive this (or any other) website with or without our knowledge. F-Stop Magazine will have no control over such downloading and subsequent use and therefore cannot accept responsibility for any such use.
F-Stop Magazine is looking to add photography related writing to the site: photography exhibit reviews, book reviews, short essays, photography projects with a written component, or an interview with a photographer of interest to a broad audience.
If you are interested, please submit your writing or proposal to the email address below.
Email: participate [arobas] fstopmagazine [point] com
Do you have a body of work or current project you would like more people to see? You can have an image and text based link to your site or your project on the F-Stop site. In exchange we ask for a donation of any amount to our humble no profit cause of putting out the magazine. Here is what to do, send an email with your name and a description/artist statement of your project and a link to the work. We will review each submission and choose 3 for each issue. Once you are accepted you will have the choice of creating your text/image link in accordance with our specifications or you can submit your information and a few images and we will create one for you. If you have questions email: participate [arobas] fstopmagazine [point] com
mooncruise* magazine
About us
mooncruise* magazine is all about promoting you and your work. If you have photography or music that you’d like to see here, please submit work stuff.
You should submit 10 to 20 images, that form a cohesive story or body of work. All submission must include a text that describes your ideas, inspirations and technical information.
Photography Submissions
Send 10 – 20 images that make a cohesive story or body of work.
Images must be 1000 pixels in height at highest quality jpg format. (ie. jpg quality 12 in Photoshop).
Complete the Submission Form and email it with your images.
Download mooncruise* Submission Form
Getting your files to us
You can email your files (images and text) to us (mooncruise [arobas] gmail [point] com), however we can only receive emails that are no larger than 20MB. Either zip your files or split them in 2 or 3 emails.
Email your submission to mooncruise [arobas] gmail [point] com
Your submission will be reviewed, if we are interested in using your work you will be contacted. Due to the large volume of submissions it impossible to reply to everybody.
Vous trouverez en ligne le formulaire d’inscription pour soumettre un film pour la 23e édition du Festival international du cinéma francophone en Acadie qui se déroulera du 24 septembre au 3 octobre 2009. La date limite pour les inscriptions est le 19 juin 2009.
Vous trouverez aussi l’appel de dossiers pour le volets Arts médiatiques du festival dont la date limite de soumssion des projets est le 22 mai 2009.
Merci de faire circuler cette information dans vos réseaux.
Marie-Renée Duguay Directrice générale, Film Zone Festival international du cinéma francophone en Acadie 140, rue Botsford, bureau 27 Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick Canada E1C 4X5 Tél : (506) 855-6050 Téléc : (506) 857-8002 marie-renee [arobas] ficfa [point] com
Posted: 31 Mar 2009 09:37 AM PDT
Theme: The drive to create is a strong one in humanity. Whether it is massive structures like the Pyramids or the Eiffel Tower, or the tiniest computer chip, humankind has always been driven to leave its mark on the planet. “Works of Man” is an opportunity for artists to chronicle the indelible mark that has been made by these creations.
With “Works of Man”, The Center for Fine Art Photography seeks to chronicle the drive to build, destroy, manufacture and dismantle, that resides in all of us. Images from the tallest building to the smallest child’s toy, the newest electric gadget to the oldest tool from the earliest people, truly anything created by the minds and hands of humanity will be considered
for the show.
Fifteen photographers will be chosen to display their twelve-image portfolio in The Center for Fine Art Photography’s Portfolio ShowCase Volume 3: Book and Online Exhibition. The show will be featured on the Center’s web site at from June 1 – June 30, 2009 and will remain online for the next two years. The Center is pleased to provide artists with an economical means of having their work reviewed by an international juror and exhibited with no printing, framing or shipping costs involved.
Theme: Open – There is no theme for this exhibition. The images will be evaluated as a cohesive body of work, rather than individual images.
Theme: Documentary photography has the power to tell stories untold, create social change, awaken emotions, and show the intimate and unseen. This exhibition will feature the artistic viewpoint of the documentary photographer.
Eligibility: The exhibition is open to photographers world wide, both amateur and professional. The Center for Fine Art Photography invites photographers working in all mediums, styles and schools of thought to participate in its exhibitions. Experimental and mixed techniques are welcome.
All of the Center’s juried exhibitions are open to all domestic and international, professional and amateur, photographers working with digital or traditional photography or combinations of both. The Center for Fine Art Photography invites photographers working in all mediums, styles and schools of thought to participate. Traditional, contemporary, avant-garde, creative, experimental and mixed techniques are welcome.
Information and online submissions at The Center for Fine Art Photography at or email questions to exhibitions [arobas] c4fap [point] org.
Attention Emerging Canadian Painters!
2009 RBC Canadian Painting Competition
Call for submissions
Together with RBC, the Canadian Art Foundation announces the call for entries for the 11th annual Canadian Painting Competition!
Submit your entries by May 3, 2009
Winners will be announced in October with the national winner receiving $25,000, and two honourable mentions each receiving $15,000.
All 15 semi-finalists will see their work displayed at the Musée d’art contemporain in Montreal, the Power Plant in Toronto and featured in Canadian Art magazine.
For submission guidelines and more information, click
Open Studio (Toronto): Call to Emerging Print Media Artists,
Deadline May 1
OPEN STUDIO Scholarships for Emerging Print Media Artists
Deadline for scholarship submissions is 5:00pm on May 1, 2009
Full submission guidelines can be found at
Each year Open Studio-Canada’s leading print media centre-awards scholarships to artists of merit. All
recipients are chosen through an annual juried selection committee. Benefits include:
• Rent free access to the studio facilities for a period of one year
• Materials assistance
• Assistance towards professional development
• Tuition free access to Open Studio workshops
• Exhibition and artist fees
Don Phillips Scholarship
The Don Phillips Scholarship is for a student currently enrolled in an undergraduate art program (full or
part-time) with a printmaking major at an accredited Canadian institution who will be graduating in the
Spring of 2009 and who will not be returning to studies full-time in September of 2009.
The Donald O’Born Family Scholarship
The Donald O’Born Family Scholarship is for an artist in the beginning stages of their professional career,
who has graduated from a BFA or MFA program within the last 1 to 5 years, and who and has
demonstrated an ongoing commitment to their practice during that time period. Artists must demonstrate
recent professional development initiatives in one or more of the following areas: active exhibiting
practice, participation in artist residencies, successful grant awards.
For further information and eligibility criteria, please visit our website
and click on “Scholarships” or contact our office.
Open Studio
401 Richmond Street West, Suite 104
Toronto ON M5V 3A8
Phone/Fax: 416-504-8238
E-mail: office [arobas] openstudio [point] on [point] ca