La liste fait circuler les appels de dossiers en arts visuels, arts médiatiques, performance, art public. Les appels proviennent du Québec, mais aussi d’autres régions. Merci de faire circuler dans vos réseaux et auprès de vos membres et publics.

1. appels du Québec

Résidence de formation en production SATosphère
Concours Oeuvre éphémère 2009 de la Place des Arts
National Film Board: Calls to Filmmakers, Deadline Mar. 16
PRIM – résidence
Art Miniature/Internationale d’art miniature (Levis, QC)

2. appels d’ailleurs

Eastern Edge Gallery – appel de dossier
La Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation accepte les mises en candidature pour les prix des arts visuels 2009
Emerging Photographer Fund grant 2009 – Magnum Photo
THE NEW ART FESTIVAL – Ottawa’s First Juried Outdoor Art Exhibition!
Call to Design Teams – Request for Qualification: Canadian Navy Monument
Call for Entries, Open Photo 2009, VAAA Gallery
aceartinc. Call for Performance Artists, Deadline April 1, 2009
Open call for electronic media art: InterAccess Emerging
Alternator Gallery (Kelowna): Calls to Visual Artists
7th in the Palace Short Film Festival (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Call for Expression of Interest – Corporation of the City of London
The Corridor Gallery at Ottawa’s Crichton Cultural Community Centre
Permanent Public Art Soundwork – June Callwood Park
PUBLIC ART COMPETITION – The Regional Municipality of Waterloo

1. appels du Québec

Résidence de formation en production SATosphère
La Société pour les arts technologiques lance un appel de participation en vue d’une résidence de formation en production de contenus immersifs pour la SATosphère. L’objectif est de stimuler la création de contenus originaux en vue de réaliser un premier corpus de productions immersives pour la SAT. Les créateurs en arts médiatiques ont jusqu’au lundi 2 mars pour présenter leur candidature pour cette résidence qui se déroulera du 16 mars au 1er mai 2009. (


Concours Oeuvre éphémère 2009 de la Place des Arts
Pour une 7e année consécutive, la Place des Arts exposera pendant la saison estivale une œuvre d’art éphémère dans le bassin d’eau de l’Esplanade. La Société de la Place des Arts fait donc appel aux artistes et collectifs d’artistes québécois en arts visuels, architecture, design et architecture de paysage désireux de proposer un projet. La période d’inscription prend fin le vendredi 27 mars. Pour infos :


National Film Board: Calls to Filmmakers, Deadline Mar. 16
Work for All is an NFB new media project meant to inform the public of the obstacles that
visible minorities and Aboriginal people face in their careers and highlight the strategies used to
create success and eliminate those obstacles. The project is currently seeking proposals for
short films (5 – 15 min) with the theme of racism in the workplace.
In collaboration with Human Resources Social Development Canada, Work for All aims to be a
powerful tool for education and positive social change.
Proposals should include a story idea, character treatment and ideas for visual storytelling. Work
for All is a national project that will represent the diverse problems from the different regions of
Canada. Submissions are accepted in English or French.
Deadline for submissions is March 16, 2009.
National Film Board
Work for All – Quebec Centre EP
3155 Cote de Liesse Rd
Montreal, Qc H4N 2N4
E-mail submissions to:
workforall [arobas] nfb [point] ca
For more information, please contact:
Alexandra Yanofsky, Producer: a [point] yanofsky [arobas] nfb [point] ca or 514.283.9509
Aisling Chin-Yee, English Line Producer: a [point] chin-yee [arobas] nfb [point] ca or 514.283.7730
Marie-France Côté, French Line Producer: m [point] cote [arobas] onf [point] ca or 514.283.9478


PRIM invite les cr?ateurs ind?pendants en arts m?diatques ? venir cr?er ? PRIM dans le cadre d’une r?sidence

PRIM est ? la recherche d’artistes ind?pendants en arts m?diatiques int?ress?s ? venir ? notre centre pour une r?sidence ? Montr?al.

Profitant du programme de r?sidence du Conseil des arts de l?Ontario (CAO) et du Conseil des arts et des lettres du Qu?bec (CALQ),
PRIM invite les cr?ateurs ind?pendants en arts m?diatiques ? choisir de venir cr?er sur ses plateformes, une ?uvre en cin?ma, vid?o, art audio ou nouveaux m?dias.

Ce programme permet aux artistes de l?Ontario de r?aliser une r?sidence de cr?ation et de ressourcement au Qu?bec d?une dur?e de un ? trois mois,
dont ils auront d?fini eux-m?mes les objectifs, les param?tres et les conditions.

La date limite et le 1er avril 2009.
Ci-jointe, de la documentation ? propos de notre centre.

Au plaisir de vous recevoir ? PRIM ! / See you at PRIM !


Art Miniature/Internationale d’art miniature (Levis, QC): Call to
Visual Artists, Deadline Mar. 30/Appel aux artistes visuels, Date limite
30 mars
Internationale d’art miniature 2009, Levis, Quebec, Canada

2. appels d’ailleurs

Eastern Edge Gallery is accepting proposals to be considered for the our 2010 programming year.

Please review submission guidelines before submitting your proposal.

Regular Programming is created through submissions that seek the support of Eastern Edge’s facilities and services for public presentation.

Eastern Edge accepts proposals from individuals, groups and collectives in all visual arts media.
We are dedicated to cultural diversity in our programming and encourages applications from contemporary artists and curators identifying as members of GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered), Aboriginal (status, non-status, Inuit and Metis) and all other culturally diverse communities.

Regular Programming submissions are solicited through a general annual national call with a deadline of March 31st. The Selection Committee reviews submissions within the context of Eastern Edge Gallery’s mandate and goals and makes recommendations to the board within 6 weeks of the deadline. [The Selection Committee is comprised of the Director, 3-5 Board Members, and 2 Community Members.]

Submission Deadline :March 31st, 2009 before 5pm.

Regular Programming Proposals must include:

When preparing your proposal, please keep in mind that each jury member receives and reviews a photo-copy of your written materials before they view your visual support material. It is to your advantage to provide written materials that are easily readable after being photocopied. Submissions that do not follow the below will be edited as such for jury to review (ie. CVs going over 2 pages).

We advise for those who do not know our establishment, to get a sense of what we’ve done, visit our web archives at

1. a current CV with current contact info(no more than 2 pages)

2. an artist and or curatorial statement (no more than 1 page)

3. a project proposal. note: if project is in development, please present support about the development as well as related past work

4. schedule of activities (if applicable)

5. an equipment list or itemization of special technical needs if applicable

6. image list (no more than 1 page)

7. Self- Addressed Sufficiently-Stamped Envelope (S.A.S.E.): Due to excessive costs for the gallery, your submission will not be returned without one. For return of Slides/CD-R/DVD only, please ensure correct postage for those items. Dossiers that are not claimed or pre-stamped will not be kept.

8. Support materials: up to15 images (inc. total of 15 for group submissions)
**CD-R images must be as jpegs 72dpi, 1024 x 768 pixel, 500k (.5 MB) RGB or SRGB only. NO POWER POINT PLEASE!


*video NTSC compatible or DVD max 10 minutes long and cued up

* CD-R video must be accessed only with one of the following plug-ins: Quicktime, RealPlayer, Shockwave, Windows Media Player or Flash.

*audio cassette or cd

*no more then 2 printed matter (may include essays, reviews, non-original documents of artworks that cannot otherwise be described in slide or video format. NO BOOKS PLEASE)

*NO laser-copied images, thumbnails, or original artwork.

*NO binders, folders or staples. (Paper clips only please)

*At this time we are unable to accept applications over the internet (NO URL’s) or by Fax

Submission Deadline : March 31st , 2009 before 5pm.


La Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation accepte les mises en candidature pour les prix des arts visuels 2009

La Sheila Hugh Mckay Foundation accepte actuellement les mises en candidature pour les prix annuels du Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation, dont le prestigieux prix Strathbutler. La Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation a été fondée pour encourager l’excellence dans le domaine des arts visuels au Nouveau-Brunswick.

Téléchargement de la dernière version d’Adobe Reader

Le prix Strathbutler d’une valeur de 15 000 $

Le prix Strathbutler d’une valeur de 15 000 $, pour reconnaître l’excellence dans le domaine de l’artisanat d’art ou des arts visuels d’un artiste qui aura fait une contribution importante à la province du Nouveau-Brunswick.


Le prix Nel Oudemans d’une valeur de 2 000 $

Le prix Nel Oudemans d’une valeur de 2 000 $, pour reconnaître l’excellence dans le domaine de l’artisanat d’art, du design ou des arts visuels par des étudiants ou étudiantes ayant récemment obtenu leurs diplômes du Collège d’artisanat et de design du Nouveau-Brunswick.


Le prix Fred Ross d’une valeur de 4 000 $

Le prix Fred Ross d’une valeur de 4 000 $, récompense un finissant ou une finissante de l’école secondaire au Nouveau-Brunswick qui compte poursuivre ses études en artisanat d’art ou dans les arts visuels.


La bourse d’études de la Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation d’une valeur de 5 000 $

La bourse d’études de la Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation d’une valeur de 5 000 $, est décernée à un ou une artiste du Nouveau-Brunswick qui commence un programme de deuxième cycle en arts visuels.


La date limite pour la présentation des demandes relatives à tous les prix est le 10 avril. Pour de plus amples renseignements veuillez communiquer avec :

Kathryn McCarroll Directrice
sheilahughmackay [arobas] nb [point] aibn [point] com



Posted: 19 Feb 2009 12:19 PM PST

The DEADLINE for submissions is MARCH 15, 2009. No exceptions.

A $10,000 grant will be awarded in early 2009 to a worthy emerging photographer from the readership at BURN whose work is on the highest level. Funding would be designed to support continuation of this photographer’s personal project. This body of work may be of either journalistic mission or purely personal artistic imperatives…

The Emerging Photographer Fund grant was initiated by David Alan Harvey in 2008, and is awarded by the Magnum Foundation, a non-profit created by the the member photographers from Magnum Photos, Inc. A five person jury will be named to review your work. The 2008 Emerging Photographer Fund grant was awarded to Sean Gallagher for his essay on the environmental “desertification” of China.

For you to submit to the EPF, we need a uniform way of presenting your essay to the jurors. We have chosen PhotoShelter as our partner for this. Submissions not following the process below unfortunately cannot be considered for the EPF grant. You will be notified IF you are one of the finalists for this grant.

in order to PREPARE an essay for submission to the EPF:

* you must create a PhotoShelter account. a free PhotoShelter account is fine.
of course, if you already own a PhotoShelter account, that is fine.
* within PhotoShelter, create a separate gallery and upload your essay images to that new gallery.
* images must be at least 1600px on the longest side. file format doesn’t matter, as long as you can import it into PhotoShelter.

in order to SUBMIT the essay to the EPF:

* log in to PhotoShelter and create a lightbox for your essay.
* in the lightbox, add a title and a description of your project.
also, you can also provide captions for each image if you wish to do so.
* share the lightbox with epf [arobas] burnmagazine [point] org, making sure to check the “allow to invite other users” and “allow to comment, rate and move images” boxes.
* you’re done!


* Keep your essay succinct. Jurors rarely like to see more than 25 pictures in an essay. 10 strong photographs on a powerful theme could be just fine.
* Remember you are trying to convince the jurors to let you continue with what you are doing. You do not have to be done. You just have to be good.
* Explain your project clearly. When jurors have to ask “where was this, when was this, or why is this’? , you opportunity is usually over. Simple , clean ,clear explanation and captions please.
* Finalists will be asked to create a blurb book (or blurb style ) for the final jury. Jurors will see what looks like a book of your work. A hard copy judging. So, start thinking of how your work would look in book form. We are using this method for judging to avoid having to charge an entry fee. Entry fees are charged on many grants just to pay for the staff to handle the entries. To avoid this, we will use the blurb style system. If you are a finalist you will pay for your own book , which will be returned to you of course. So, even if you do not receive this grant, you still have a book.This seems like a good solution.

Finalists will be announced by March 31.


National Competition for Photographs and Photo-Based Artwork
DATES: June 11, 2009 through July 11, 2009
ENTRY DEADLINE: April 13, 2009

THE CALL: In BED we mate, procreate, communicate, masticate, investigate, commiserate, elucidate, migrate, hibernate, procrastinate, masturbate, educate, ruminate. We all have BED but it’s mostly hidden away in a remote room upstairs in our houses or in the back room of our apartments. BED is rarely discussed, is mostly taken for granted, yet we use it more than anything else in the house, spending perhaps one third of our lifetime there, mostly our private lives, including dying.

We want to see your photos of your bed (and/or others) and what you do while you are there. Make them as personal, fun, interesting, beautiful, startling as you can, no subject is out of bounds.

CLICK here for a full prospectus! The exhibition is open to all photographers, any format, any camera, black & white or color, any style acceptable.

317 East 9th Street, New York, NY 10003
212.505.7196 |



Posted: 17 Feb 2009 02:53 PM PST

Photo Life is pleased to present the opening of the 2009 Emerging Photographers competition, which gives Canadian photography students, photography workshop participants, apprentice photographers, and those just beginning their careers as photographers a unique opportunity to share their vision and talent with the world.

Participants to Emerging Photographers are invited to send their submissions exclusively via our on-line facilities. Participants can submit up to 3 images and must provide technical information and a brief narrative/comment for each image. Please note that this competition is open to Canadian residents only.


>From the submissions received, editors will select the most outstanding up-and-coming talents to be showcased in Photo Life’s September issue.


Call to Artists



Ottawa’s First Juried Outdoor Art Exhibition!

Formerly known as Art in the Park (in the Glebe), The New Art Festival offers a dynamic new vision for the 17th year of Ottawa’s hugely popular outdoor art exhibition.

This year’s event highlights original, one-of-a-kind contemporary fine art and craft and will be fully juried by highly respected members of the local arts community. Applicants will be juried relative to the integrity, originality, degree of craftsmanship and artistic merit of the art represented in their images. We welcome applications from both emerging and established artists and students. Mass-produced goods of any kind will NOT be accepted.

This year’s festival will take place on Saturday, June 6th and Sunday, June 7th, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days, in Central Park (Bank Street and Clemow Avenue).

Prizes will be awarded in several categories.

Applications are now being accepted and must be received by MARCH 31st, 2009. Please go to for application information and further details about the festival.

The New Art Festival is a unique event geared to celebrate the visual arts community and strengthen the connections among visual artists, craftspeople, art educators, galleries and the public. This exhibition is a free, family-oriented event in a beautiful park setting. T-NAF is a non-profit, non-commercial exhibition that is run for artists by artists. No percentage of the artists’ sales is taken by the organizers.


Call to Design Teams
Request for Qualification: Canadian Navy Monument
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Deadline for Submissions: May 4, 2009

The Canadian Navy will celebrate its centennial in 2010 with a
year of events and festivities across Canada. As part of this occasion,
National Defence wishes to highlight the anniversary by building a
national monument in Ottawa to commemorate the Canadian men and women in
naval uniform who have served, continue to serve and will serve in the
future. The monument, which is to be unveiled in May 2011, will be
located at Richmond Landing, in the core of Canada’s Capital Region.

The NCC, in partnership with the Canadian Navy, is inviting
teams of professional artists, landscape architects, architects and
landscape designers to submit their credentials and examples of prior
experience as the first stage of a two-phase competition.

An internationally renowned jury of art and design professionals
will select up to five finalist design teams, based on qualifications
and past experience. These finalist teams will be invited to participate
in phase two of the competition, where they will be asked to prepare a
design concept and present it to the jury in October 2009.

The jury is composed of the following five people: Malaka
Ackaoui, landscape architect (Quebec); Dr. Laura Brandon, art curator
and historian (Ontario); Joe Fafard, artist (Saskatchewan); Captain
(Navy) K.J. Pickford, Canadian Navy representative ( Nova Scotia and
Ontario); and Don Vaughan, landscape architect (British Columbia).

The Request for Qualification document will be available between
February 19, 2009, and May 4, 2009. The deadline for submissions is 3 pm
(Ottawa time) on Monday, May 4, 2009.

To obtain the competition document:

* Contact Shirley Chartrand by fax at 613-239-5007 to request that
competition document SC-2035 be sent to you by courier.

* Register electronically by clicking on the following web link:



Posted: 23 Feb 2009 09:52 AM PST


Come visit our beautiful Rock River Valley for nine days. We offer the opportunity to live with farm families throughout Ogle County who are eager to share with you their way of life and the knowledge of what is happening in agriculture in the 21st century.

In addition to plein air art and photography, we also offer a hands-on art/agriculture experience by recruiting artists who would like to create a field sculpture that is from 5 to 15 acres in size on a pallet of grassland. This work of art would be designed by the artist and then, with the help of a farmer and his tractor, mow the design onto the grassland. This process takes several days and can be seen and photographed from the air the last three days of your stay.

For plein air painters and photographers, you have the luxury to work as many hours as you choose with a myriad choice of subject matter; as one of the artists commented “everywhere I look there is a picture to paint”.

On the Saturday afternoon of your arrival, we have a reception to introduce you to your Farm Host Family. Sunday evening at the Lorado Taft Artist Colony site we tell the story of the heritage of Fine Arts in our community followed by a dinner overlooking the Rock River.

Monday morning we meet at the Oregon Library for breakfast in the art gallery established by Lorado Taft’s Eagles Nest Art Colony. Monday evening we gather at a local church where you can share a bit about yourself and your art with fellow artists and the community. The rest of the time is yours to paint/photograph, or to get together with other artists or your farm family. On Friday, air plane rides are offered to see the field sculptures. Saturday evening results in a food and fun-filled picnic for all participants, farm host families and the committee. Sunday brings the Fine Arts Festival with sculptors and other regional artists where you can show and sell your art.

In the past 10 years we have had 81 artists from 24 states and Canada spend this week with 41 farm families. Many of our farm families have had an artist each year and a number of artists have joined us more than once. One artist wrote after her week with us “Thank you for the terrific time in Ogle County. It was a life-changing week for me …I learned so much about people, farming, art and generosity. Thank you for that gift.” Kathy D. Sisters, OR. We would love to have you join us for this week of Art and Agriculture.

Visiting Artist Application – Download Now | fieldsproject [arobas] yahoo [point] com


Call for Entries, Open Photo 2009, VAAA Gallery

All photographers juried into this exhibition will have their work shown at the Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium in Edmonton from July 3 to September 30, 2009. The First Place Winner will receive a Solo Exhibition at TU Gallery at a later time to be determined between TU Gallery and the winning artist. Additional prizes to be announced.

Submission requirements are as follows:

* 1-5 labeled slides, digital images or photographic prints. Include artist’s name, title or work, and on slides, an arrow or red dot in the bottom front left corner of slide
* accompanying numbered list of slides/images, stating medium, title of work, creation date and size
* artist statement relevant to work submitted
* color or black and white prints must be at least 5×7″ but not more than 8×12″ and unmounted. Digital images must be in JPEG or TIFF format burned to CD or DVD. Digital files should be a minimum of 1600 pixels on the long side. If submitting a print from a digital file, submit only high quality professional prints. DO NOT send colour photocopies.
* images must be framed at the artist’s expense if accepted into the exhibition
* all entries may be submitted in one envelope, or on one CD/DVD.
* each entry must have a full completed entry form.

Open Photo 2009 Entry Form

For further information, please contact the VAAA at:

3RD Floor, 10215 112 Street, Edmonton, AB T1K 5M7
780.421.1731 | toll-free 1.866.421.1731 | info [arobas] visualartsalberta [point] com
Gallery Hours: Mon-Fri, 10am to 4pm, Sat 12-4pm. Admission free.



Posted: 24 Feb 2009 10:08 AM PST


You are studying in Fine Arts, Museology, Librarian, Records Management or a related discipline? The National Gallery of Canada presently offers Student employment opportunities. Students are given a once in a lifetime opportunity to acquire valuable work experience in a museum environment under the direction of specialists in the Fine Arts, Museology, Art Education, or in related fields such Communications, and others.

Candidates must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents legally entitled to work in Canada who are enrolled in, or a graduate within the last two years of, a diploma – or degree-granting program in one of the three Areas of Study. Please note any specific educational requirements required by the particular Area of Study, as outlined above. The TD Internship Program is designed to provide entrance-level professional development opportunities for students contemplating careers in the museum, library, or archives fields.

TD Bank Financial Group Internships 2009

Student Employment Program 2009


aceartinc. Call for Performance Artists, Deadline April 1, 2009
PRESSURE COOKER: a night of performance you can’t keep a lid on! Friday, May 8, 2009
7:30 pm at aceartinc.
Open to all aceartinc members, and it’s a cinch to become a member: call us!
Submission Guidelines:
must be an aceartinc. member
strict 5 minute time limit
one performance per artist or group
describe performance
include contact information
available for use: video data projector, monitor, basic sound system
format video for DVD
For more information contact: gallery [arobas] aceart [point] org
Submission Deadline: April 1, 2009
Send submission to:
2nd floor 290 McDermot Ave.
Winnipeg, MB
R3B 0T2
phone: (204) 944-9763


OF ****
Open call for electronic media art: InterAccess Emerging
Artist Exhibition 2009
InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre is now accepting
submissions for the 9th Annual Emerging Artists Exhibition!
This exhibition showcases electronic and new media art works by up-andcoming
local and national future stars. We are accepting submissions from
post-secondary upper-year students or recent graduates in Ontario and
Canada. Curated by our 2009 curatorial intern, this exhibition provides the
most competitive emerging artists with professional experience and
Each year, InterAccess invites a stellar emerging curator to take the reigns
and create this important exhibition, which has received rave press from the
Toronto Star, The National Post and The Globe and Mail. This year’s
selected curatorial intern is Jennifer Chan, an interdisciplinary artist and
specialist in Visual Culture & Communication at University of Toronto
Misssissauga/Sheridan College Art & Art History program. She is a
recipient of the 2008 Mississauga Arts Awards for Emerging Talent in
Visual Arts and was previously a research intern at V tape video resource
center. We proudly welcome Jennifer to our team and look forward to her
work on this exhibition.
We are looking for submissions of electronic new media work that explores
the aesthetics, determinance, (sub)cultures and history of digital media in
relation to other creative media such as sculpture, installation, video, sitespecific,
audio and performance art. Preference may be given towards
interactive and/or multimedia work that examines how the personal and
political is articulated through digital mediation. Web-based projects are
also welcome. However, due to the flexible parameters of an open call, the
emerging curator will develop an exhibition related to all the submissions
Each selected artist will receive a CARFAC artist fee for participating.
Artwork will be exhibited at InterAccess beginning Friday July 10 until
Saturday August 8, 2009.
While we welcome proposals from outside of Ontario, please note that
InterAccess cannot provide artist travel fees or cover the shipping of artwork.
Participating artists will be responsible for timely transportation of their
artwork to the gallery a week before the opening on Thursday July 2, 2009.
Although the artist is chiefly responsible for installing his/her work,
InterAccess will provide technical assistance and basic audio/video
All submissions must include:
– an artist statement (1 page)
– a project description (1 page)
– a clear description of technical requirements listing:
1.) materials provided by the artist, including any software and
audio-visual equipment
2.) materials expected from InterAccess, including software and/or
– artistic support material of previous works, and if possible, proposed work
(DVD is preferred, however, URL links or JPG images are also accepted)
– a current C.V. (3 pages max)
Final deadline for submissions to be received at InterAccess is Friday
April 24, 2009 at 5:00 p.m.
Send submissions to:
Jennifer Chan
Curatorial Intern
InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre
9 Ossington Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
M6J 2Y8


Alternator Gallery (Kelowna): Calls to Visual Artists, Deadline
Apr. 18
The DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS IS POSTMARKED APRIL 18. (If the deadline falls on a holiday, the
deadline is extended to the next business day). CARFAC fees are paid in the gallery.
Please include all of the following when submitting your proposal:
• A brief description (maximum 250 words) clearly outlining the exhibition you are proposing
• Artist statement – maximum 500 words
• Curriculum vitae
• 15-20 slides with name and title. Video artists may submit a video no longer than 5 minutes
• Slide list detailing medium and size
• Self addressed, sufficiently stamped envelope
Incomplete proposals will not be considered
If sending digital images, please submit them in jpeg format on a CD compatible with Macintosh operating
systems. Applications submitted by e-mail are not accepted. Label jpg images with number and title, for
example: 01_title.jpg, 02_title.jpg etc. Jpg images must be 72 dpi, maximum 1024 x 768 pixels. 500 KB
(0.5MB). Incomplete proposals will not be considered. Unsuccessful applications will be returned only if a
SASE is included with the materials. Unsuccessful applications that do not include a SASE will be
The Alternator accepts exhibition proposals from artists and curators. Selections are based on:
• Compatibility with the Alternator’s mandate
• Quality of the proposal
• Quality of work submitted by the artist
• Availability of space
Submissions from both individual artists and groups will be considered with an emphasis on an
experimental or exploratory approach.
Send proposals to:
Attn: Programming Committee
The Alternator Gallery
421 Cawston Ave, Unit 103
Kelowna, BC
V1Y 6Z1


7th in the Palace Short Film Festival (Sofia, Bulgaria): Call to Film
& Video Artists, Deadline Apr. 15
7th IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival – Bulgaria – Apr 15
Dear Film Professionals, Students and Colleagues,
The 7th IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival, Balchik, Bulgaria, screams for your
The deadline for submission of international films is April 15, 2009.
And for Bulgarian productions – May 15, 2009.
Entries postmarked past those dates will not be considered for selection.
If selected, your film can take part in the following competitions, awarded by an International
We accept individual and institutional entries.The festival is open to professionals and
students.There are six competitive programmes; workshops; seminars; master classes; market.
There is NO ENTRY FEE.In order to apply, please, read the attached 2009 Festival Regulations,
fill out and send the Entry Form by email, by clicking the ‘Submit button’ on the form, and send
us your film for preview by regular post.

Tsanko Vasilev
Festival Director
IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival
4 Sheynovo Str., entr.D, fl.1
1504 Sofia
Tel: +359 2 491 85 88
Tel/fax: +359 2 944 11 71


Call for Expression of Interest
Corporation of the City of London,
Tenders and Proposals- Exploring
The Tricar Renaissance Development
Closing Date: 12:00 noon, local
For more information, please follow


115 King Street East, Toronto

Next Deadline: received by May 15, 2009

The Toronto Sculpture Garden has been a leader in Canada in the commissioning of contemporary sculpture since it opened in 1981. Located in an urban park in the downtown core, it serves as a testing ground for artists to explore public space and to address issues of urban context, materials and scale.


The TSG is a non-collecting institution that is unique in its partnership between the City of Toronto, which owns and operates the site as a city park, and the Louis L. Odette Family, benefactors who created the non-profit L.L.O. Sculpture Garden Foundation which funds and administers the exhibitions. Exhibitions are selected by an Art Advisory Board working with the director, Rina Greer.

Newly commissioned work becomes property of the artist and may be offered for sale after the conclusion of the exhibition.


The TSG’s Art Advisory Board meets three times a year to review specific proposals. Preference is given to new work that responds to the site; only in exceptional cases will existing work be considered. We are currently looking for exhibitions for May 2010 and beyond. Deadlines are each year on January 15, May 15 and September 15.

Proposals require:

* Drawing(s) showing dimensions and materials and the location of the work on the site.
* Brief statement of Theme
* Budget showing materials, installation/removal, transportation, and critical costs
* 10-20 slides, photographs or colour copies (no CD, DVD or video) of relevant work
* C.V.

For complete proposal information, including fee structure and site map:



The Corridor Gallery at Ottawa’s Crichton
Cultural Community Centre, is currently accepting
submissions for our juried exhibition program.

Submissions are now being accepted for
exhibitions at the Corridor Gallery
for the 2009 – 2010 seasons. The Corridor
Gallery is an artist-run community-based
exhibition space committed to enhancing
communication between emerging professional
artistic practice and the community at large in
the National Capital Region.

Submissions are accepted for 2 dimensional,
digital, multi-media and installation work.

Proposals from individual artists, groups and
curators are welcome.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: All submissions must be
postmarked on or before Tuesday March 31, 2009.

The Corridor Gallery is housed on the second
floor of the Crichton Cultural Community Centre
(CCCC), a heritage building in the New Edinburgh
neighbourhood. The gallery presents traditional
art mediums, experimental media-based and
multi-disciplinary works.

CARFAC artist fees are paid.

More information on the gallery may be found at:

Submissions must include:
1. Twelve digital images of proposed work in PDF
file or a PowerPoint document only, on CD (other formats
will not be viewed disqualifying the submission)**
2. A detailed image list
3. Exhibition proposal (max 2 pages)
4. A current curriculum vitae
5. Self-addressed, envelope with postage stamps
only (no prepaid, dated postage meter tapes).

**Email applications will not be accepted.

If submitting digital images, please comply with
the following guidelines:
– Compatible with Mac OS X
– .jpg or .pdf format only, not to exceed 1MB or
1024 x 768 pixels
– Identify each image with a number and a title
corresponding to a descriptive list


The Corridor Gallery Committee
Second Floor
200 Crichton Street
Ottawa ON
K1M 1W2

RESULTS: Successful applicants will be notified
of results in approximately 6 to 8

CONTACT: ccccgallery [arobas] gmail [point] com for more details,
including a gallery floor plan.



Posted: 02 Mar 2009 08:22 AM PST

Deadline for Submissions: March 14, 2009, 4pm

Profiles Public Art Gallery currently seeks proposals from artists working in all styles and mediums for exhibition during the 2010 calendar year.

Profiles Public Art Gallery’s Mandate is to provide enriching educational experiences that celebrate visual culture and artistic achievement through research, exhibition, and interpretation. Exhibitions celebrate originality and diversity, providing vision, inspiration and education for the community.

For more information:
Heidi Alther, Director of Arts
780.460.4310 or fax 780.460.9537
Email heidia [arobas] artsheritage [point] ca


« I believe in kindness »
Permanent Public Art Soundwork – June Callwood Park
City of Toronto – Call to Artists for Expression of Interest

Deadline: March 9

Dubbed « Canada’s Conscience », June Callwood (1924-2007) worked tirelessly to champion human rights and social justice, particularly for women and children. Over the course of her life she was involved in founding more than 50 humanitarian aid and civil liberty organizations, including PEN Canada, Nellie’s, Casey House and Digger House. June Callwood was awarded numerous honours in her lifetime, including Officer of the Order of Canada, and her words and actions have left an indelible impression on the social fabric of Toronto.

In 2005, when June Callwood was still alive, the City of Toronto dedicated a future park in her honour, located between Fleet Street and Fort York Boulevard in the emerging Fort York Neighbourhood. Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation have recently completed the competition process for the design of June Callwood Park. The winning concept, by Toronto-based Landscape Architects gh3, creates an urban forest from native tree species, and a series of openings whose form is derived from the sound pattern made from an excerpt from June Callwood’s last interview:

« I believe in kindness »

While not formally religious, June Callwood claimed that kindness was « a divinity in motion » and believed that babies are « full of God, if God is your kindness and your decency and your capacity for affection ». A few months before her death, June Callwood made it known that she wanted her park to be a place, where children’s capacities for kindness, decency and affection could be engaged in play, problem solving and collaboration.

To commemorate a woman known for her activism and words, the public art commission at June Callwood Park will be a permanent soundwork whose physical presence is integrated into the landscape design formed by a fragment of her spoken wisdom.

Toronto Cultural Services is seeking to commission a soundwork that will evoke the character and heart of June Callwood and engage the imaginations of children, young and old. The artwork project budget is $288,000, which includes all fabrication and installation costs and fees. Construction of the park will begin in early 2010, and is expected to be complete by 2011.

Toronto Cultural Services is inviting local, national, and international Artists or Artist Teams to submit:

* Resume(s);
* 6-8 audio-visual examples of recent, relevant work**; and
* Artist’s statement outlining experience and interest in the project.

**Please submit digital audio-visual samples on CD or DVD listing title, date, materials, duration and dimensions for each work. Please make sure files are compatible with Windows. Any images should be sent as jpegs, not larger than 5 MB. Include a stamped, self-addressed envelope for return of submission material, if desired.

Please note: Artists are NOT asked to submit proposals at this stage of the competition.

Submissions must be received Monday March 9th, 4 pm. Submissions should be sent to:

Public Art Office
Toronto Cultural Services
City Hall, Main Floor, East Tower
100 Queen Street West
Toronto ON M5H 2N2

Questions can be sent by email to: culture [arobas] toronto [point] ca . Please do not submit Expressions of Interest by email.

Toronto Cultural Services works with staff across City of Toronto divisions to identify exciting opportunities for commissioning public artworks in the City’s parks, streets and open spaces. For this project, Toronto Cultural Services is working with Parks, Forestry and Recreation. Parks, Forestry and Recreation’s website for this project can be found at

This project will be administered by Toronto Cultural Services’ Public Art Office. The artwork concept will be selected through a two-stage open competition, by an independent Selection Committee convened for this project, which will include practicing arts professionals as well as representatives from the local community.

A short list of 3-5 artists will be paid a fee to develop a project proposal based on a Terms of Reference document provided to the short-listed artists by Toronto Cultural Services. A public open house exhibition of the short-listed designs and final design selection will take place in summer 2009.



Deadline: April 2

The Regional Municipality of Waterloo is holding a public competition to recommend Public Art for the Public Health & Social Services building in Waterloo, Ontario.

Artists residing in the Province of Ontario are invited to enter a two stage competition. Information on the competition, its stages and requirements, estimated value, schedule and selection process is available on the Region’s website.

Access the Public Art Program in the Visiting section at

Questions about the competition should be directed to Doug Gilmore by phone at 519-575-4713 or by email to gdoug [arobas] region [point] waterloo [point] on [point] ca