La Liste de l’Association des groupes en arts visuels francophones compile les appels de dossiers en arts visuels, arts médiatiques, performance, art public, etc. Les appels proviennent du Québec, du Canada et d’ailleurs. N’hésitez pas à la faire circuler. Vous pouvez consulter La Liste sur Internet et vous y abonner gratuitement: (notez la nouvelle adresse). Prochaine édition: 8 janvier 2010. Visitez l’AGAVF sur internet:

Nouvelles des membres de l’AGAVF

Galerie du Nouvel-Ontario (Sudbury)
le Nouveau Louvre – activité de financement
28 novembre au 19 décembre 2009
174 elgin à sudbury

Maison des artistes visuels (St-Boniface)
Jacquelyn Hébert et Niki Trosky – Sous un ciel bleu
du 20 novembre 2009 au 20 janvier 2010
219, boulevard Provencher à St-Boniface

Galerie Voix Visuelle (Vanier)
Exposition internationale d’estampe numérique
du 7 novembre au 21 décembre 2009
81 avenue Beechwood à Vanier

1. appels en français du Canada

galerie Le Trécarré – Pointe-de-l’Église – 30 janvier 2010
avatar – Québec – invitation en cours
Dazibao – Montréal – 1er janvier 2009
L’Écart – Rouyn-Noranda – 15 janvier 2010
Le Lobe – Chicoutimi – 31 janvier 2010
PRIM – Montréal – 13 janvier 2010
Centre Moon Rain – Ottawa – 15 janvier 2010
Folie/Culture – Québec – 28 février 2010
Galerie d’art de Matane – 30 avril 2010

2. appels en anglais du Canada

Southern Alberta Art Gallery Public Art Commission – Lethbridge – 1er mars 2010
Super Channel – 15 janvier 2010
Gallery 1313 and the Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation – 6 janvier 2010
Centre for Art Tapes Call for Submissions: Local Curatorial Residency 2010 – Halifax – 29 janvier 2010
Centre for Art Tapes Call for Submissions: En route – Halifax – 5 janvier 2010
Scotiabank Nuit Blanche – Toronto – 25 janvier 2010
Art in public places – St-Albert – 25 février 2010
Match International’s 1st annual Women’s Video & Film Festival – Ottawa – 10 février 2010

3. appels d’ailleurs

Stones of Menace – London – 30 janvier 2010
Rijksakademie studios – Amsterdam – 1er février 2010
Performance Art festival VERBO – São Paulo – 28 février 2010
DÉFI COLLECTIF ET COLLABORATIF 25 heures d’art en direct sur internet – 20 janvier 2010
San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles – 1er mars 2010
ElCarromato – Madrid – 1er janvier 2010
The Power of Self – New York – pas indiqué
El MUSEO DE LAS AMERICAS – Denver – 12 février 2010
Résidence d’artiste Glogauer – Berlin – 25 décembre 2010
Salon video art prize – London – 23 janvier 2010
Art Video Screening at Örebro International Videoart Festival – 5 mars 2010
résidence Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto – Biella – 15 janvier 2010
résidence Youkobo Art Space – Tokyo – 31 décembre et 30 juin

4. divers

Motel numérique: Selfworld

1. appels en français du Canada

date de tombée: le 30 janvier 2010
Mandat : La galerie Le Trécarré est une galerie gérée par des artistes et située dans la communauté acadienne rurale de la baie Sainte-Marie, en Nouvelle-Écosse. Elle se trouve sur le campus de l’Université Sainte-Anne et a pour mandat d’exposer les artistes et les habitants de la région à des œuvres d’art contemporain d’artistes canadiens et internationaux. Elle a aussi pour mandat de fournir l’infrastructure et les programmes nécessaires pour encourager l’exploration et l’innovation afin d’offrir le contexte culturel approprié pour faire avancer une expression artistique pertinente, informée et active.

Vous êtes invité à soumettre une proposition d’exposition pour l’année de programmation 2010. Date de tombée : le 30 janvier

CRITÈRES : avoir une formation spécialisée dans le domaine ou être reconnu par ses pairs ou être artiste émergent en art contemporain ou commissaire avec un projet à soumettre


démarche artistique
description du projet d’exposition
un maximum de 15 (min. 10) exemples de travaux récents sur CD ou DVD (titre, médium, dimension, date)
un curriculum vitae à jour (maximum 3 pages)
dossier de presse (facultatif)
autres informations pertinentes
une enveloppe de retour suffisamment affranchie (faute de retour de dossier)

Les expositions seront sélectionnées par un jury selon le mérite artistique, tout en respectant le mandat de Le Trécarré.
Veuillez faire parvenir votre dossier à :
Le Conseil des Arts de la Baie, CP 232 Pointe-de-l’Église, N.É. B0W1M0
Pour information : 
902 769 2114 poste 262 cab [arobas] usainteanne [point] ca


Appel aux artistes

Appel aux artistes de la ville de Québec, de la province de Québec et du Canada

À l’occasion de mon arrivée au poste de directrice artistique d’Avatar*(Ville de Québec), je souhaiterais rencontrer la communauté artistique la plus large possible concernée par le domaine des arts audio et électronique et par le mandat d’Avatar ( :

Les pratiques au croisement des arts sonores électroniques et de… la danse, la poésie, l’architecture, l’environnement, la sculpture… sont les bienvenues. Cette liste n’est pas limitative.

À défaut de pouvoir vous rencontrer, pour des raisons spatio-temporelles, j’accepterais toute documentation me permettant de prendre connaissance et d’avoir une idée de votre travail : site internet, documentation électronique, dossier papier/dvd/cd présentant un maximum de 4 oeuvres (avec date, format, medium, auteurs), représentant le mieux l’esprit de votre recherche et de votre production.
Cependant, les artistes résidant à Québec et dans sa region peuvent me contacter pour une rencontre dans leurs espaces de travail ou à Avatar.

* AVATAR est un centre d’artistes autogéré actif dans les domaines de l’art audio et de l’art électronique. AVATAR supporte la recherche, la création et la diffusion d’oeuvres d’art. AVATAR publie des projets sous le nom d’OHM EDITIONS et en assure circulation et distribution sous le nom de VACUOHM.

Lorella Abenavoli
Directrice artistique
Du lundi au mercredi
Téléphone : (418) 522-8918 #3
Télécopieur : (418) 522-6412
Courriel : artistique [point] avatar [arobas] meduse [point] org

541, rue de Saint-Vallier Est, espace 5-62
Québec (Québec) G1K 3P9 Canada

T 418-522-8918
F 418-522-6412

Renseignements : Myriam Lambert | 418-522-8918 #1 | avatar [point] communication [arobas] meduse [point] org



La programmation de Dazibao regroupe des propositions reçues dans le cadre de nos appels de dossiers et/ou choisies à l’initiative du conseil d’administration. Prière de n’envoyer votre dossier qu’une fois l’an.


1. un CD-ROM contenant un maximum de 20 images bien identifiées et accompagnées d’une description claire (titre, médium, dimensions et date) ou un DVD dans le cas d’une œuvre vidéo ; n’envoyez pas d’originaux
2. une description précise du projet
3. un texte expliquant votre démarche artistique
4. un curriculum vitæ
5. une enveloppe de retour affranchie suffisamment, si vous désirez que votre dossier vous soit retourné; les dossiers sans enveloppe de retour seront détruits

Si vous nous faites parvenir votre proposition de l’extérieur du Canada, s.v.p. envoyer le montant d’affranchissement sous forme de mandat-poste international, de coupons-réponses internationaux ou de timbres internationaux.

Les propositions doivent être oblitérées par la poste au plus tard le 1er janvier. Si cette date tombe une fin de semaine ou un jour férié, elle est reportée au jour ouvrable suivant.

Les propositions incomplètes ou mises à la poste après la date limite ou transmises par messagerie électronique ne seront pas acceptées.

Les réponses seront connues dans un délai maximum de six mois.

Envoyez à :
Appel de dossiers
Dazibao, centre de photographies actuelles
4001, rue Berri, espace 202
Montréal (Québec) Canada H2L 4H2


15 janvier 2010
Programmation 2010-2011 / L’Écart
Lieu : Rouyn-Noranda (Québec) Canada

L’Écart invite les artistes professionnels et de la relève, les collectifs d’artistes et les commissaires en art actuel à soumettre un projet d’exposition ou de résidence pour sa programmation 2010-2011.
• Les dossiers doivent comprendre :
• Un curriculum vitae (maximum 3 pages)
• Une description du projet d’exposition en lien avec la démarche artistique (maximum 2 pages)
• De 15 à 20 images JPEG sur CD-ROM, ou documents vidéographiques (DVD), le tout clairement identifié et accompagné d’une liste descriptive
• Tout autre document pertinent
• Une enveloppe préaffranchie et préadressée pour le retour du dossier
Les dossiers doivent être acheminés au:
Comité de programmation
L’Écart.. . lieu d’art actuel
167, avenue Murdoch, C. P. 2273
Rouyn-Noranda (Qc)
J9X 1A9
Pour plus d’information :
Téléphone : 819.797.8738
Courrier électronique : ecart [arobas] cablevision [point] qc [point]
*Veuillez prendre note que les dossiers envoyés par courrier électronique ou par télécopieur ne seront pas considérés.


31 janvier 2010
Résidences 2010-2011 / Le Lobe
Lieu : Chicoutimi (Québec) Canada

Le Lobe consacre désormais sa programmation de résidences principalement aux artistes en mi-carrière en quête de décrochage, de concentration et… de défi.
On s’attend de vous que vous restiez vous-même ? Pas nous.
Entendons nous : Le Lobe soupçonne qu’après plusieurs années d’expérience, de présence et de reconnaissance, les artistes subissent souvent des pressions contraignantes de la part du milieu artistique. Ces pressions proviennent d’attentes reliées à la pratique, à l’esthétique, au médium ainsi qu’au contenu que vous avez su développer au fil des ans. Cela empêche parfois d’explorer ailleurs. Au Lobe, nous reconnaissons l’importance de la liberté et de la permission dans le plaisir du développement de la création. Nous pouvons répondre à ce besoin.
Le Lobe avoue son penchant pour l’ailleurs, les pratiques casse-gueules, la contre-pratique et les pratiques à venir.
L’ailleurs : c’est lorsque vous souhaitez faire un projet depuis cinq ans et que ça ne s’insère pas dans votre démarche habituelle. Les pratiques casse-gueules : c’est lorsque vous n’auriez jamais osé faire cela dans
votre milieu. La contre-pratique : c’est lorsque vous ne maîtrisez pas du tout ce que vous vous apprêtez à faire et que, vraiment, personne ne croyait que vous le feriez. Les pratiques à venir : c’est…
Se réinventer au Lobe
Votre dossier doit contenir :
• Un curriculum vitae
• Un texte de prétention artistique
• Une piste de projet de résidence, un besoin, un défi…
• Un dossier d’images
Nos attentes sont :
• L’étonnement suscité par votre projet…
• La nécessité d’une résidence au Lobe
• L’urgence du défi


PRIM offre à un artiste émergent en arts médiatiques l’occasion de créer une oeuvre dans un environnement professionnel
en lui offrant des équipements hauts de gamme et l’expertise de ses coordonnateurs techniques.
L’artiste retenu disposera de 8 semaines pour la réalisation de son oeuvre entre février et septembre 2010.
* Utilisation illimitée de ses plateformes et support technique selon la disponibilité des équipements
(réservations nécessaires)
* Formation pour une valeur de 1000 $
* 70 heures de temps technicien
* Cotisation de membre (individu) valable un an
* Aide financière de 2000 $
* une enveloppe de retour affranchie
Pour les modalités techniques des salles de montage, du studio de son et des équipements de
tournage, voir le site internet de PRIM :
* Formulaire de demande dûment rempli
* Curriculum vitae
* Texte sur votre démarche artistique
* Description détaillée du projet soumis
* Documentation de vos oeuvres antérieures
La résidence se fait sur appel de projets et la sélection du candidat relève du conseil d’administration.
Naturellement, l’auteur possède tous les droits sur l’oeuvre créée, PRIM se réservant une diffusion publique en fin
de résidence pour présentation à ses membres et collaborateurs.
Pour information, communiquer avec :
Isabelle L’Italien,
Coordonnatrice des services aux membres et communications
isabelle [arobas] primcentre [point] org


Le Centre Moon Rain lance un appel
aux artistes professionnels expérimentés
aux artistes de la relève
en arts textiles:

« Quand les treize lunes s’entrelacent »
Un événement international en arts textiles
automne 2010
l’intégration des arts textiles à l’environnement et la mythologie des treize lunes

Les artistes sont invités à proposer des installations d’œuvres d’art textile intégrées à l’environnement, des ateliers ou des conférences

Email info [arobas] moonrain [point] ca for an application form.

Tous les dossiers doivent être reçus avant
le 15 janvier 2010

renseignements supplémentaires:

le Centre Moon Rain
info [arobas] moonrain [point] ca


Invitation à

Folie/Culture propose à tous — artistes reconnus ou non, membres, proches et intervenants du milieu social — de s’investir dans une expérience de réflexion particulière en réalisant une minute vidéo. Pour cette édition 2010 de La minute vidéo Folie/Culture, nous vous proposons la thématique du « Loser ».

Le thème du loser aborde la question des conceptions sociales de la réussite dans un monde où cette dernière n’équivaut qu’à l’accumulation de richesses et où le discours économique domine tous les discours. Tous ceux qui ne se fondent pas dans le moule tels que les fous, les pauvres, les marginaux sont considérés comme des super losers d’un système qui n’a aucune pitié pour ceux qui « ratent » leur vie. Et si le loser n’était qu’une tendance extrême de la liberté ?

Les minutes sélectionnées seront projetées à l’occasion d’une soirée spéciale au cours de l’année 2010 dans un espace public.

Pour participer, vous devez produire une vidéo — fiction, documentaire, vidéo d’art — en un plan-séquence d’une minute en continu.

Attention :
Aucun montage d’image ou de son n’est permis,
seule la musique originale est acceptée.

Formats : Mini-DV, CD ou DVD data
(fichier .mov ou .avi non compressé)

Date limite de dépôt :
28 février 2010

Faites-nous parvenir votre vidéo accompagnée de vos coordonnées (prénom, nom, adresse complète, numéro de téléphone et adresse électronique) par la poste à l’adresse suivante :

La Minute vidéo Folie/Culture
281, rue De Saint-Vallier Est
Québec (Québec) G1K 3P5

Pour plus d’information, contactez Émilie Roi au 418 649-0999 ou à programmation [arobas] folieculture [point] org


Appel de propositions

La Galerie d’art de Matane invite les artistes en art actuel de la région (Bas-Saint-Laurent / Gaspésie) à nous faire parvenir une proposition d’installation adaptée à l’espace.

Trois artistes seront sélectionnés, en misant sur la diversité et la complémentarité des démarches.
Chacun-e occupera un des espaces de la galerie (entre 30m2 et 40m2). Voir le plan pour choisir l’espace privilégié.

Un trajet pré-déterminé de 1.5m de largeur devra être libre pour la circulation des visiteurs.
Des modifications au trajet peuvent être proposées pour les besoins de l’installation.

Le dossier doit contenir :

Un texte de démarche artistique
Une proposition d’installation avec photos ou croquis
Un Curriculum Vitae (2 pages maximum)
Une enveloppe de retour pré-affranchie (si vous désirez récupérer votre dossier)

La date limite de réception des dossiers est le 30 avril 2010.

L’exposition se tiendra du 9 juillet au 5 septembre 2010.

La Galerie d’art de Matane a pour mandat la diffusion et la vulgarisation artistiques en art actuel.
La période de l’été est réservée chaque année aux artistes de la région. Une exposition collective est alors formée et montre le professionnalisme et la créativité des artistes d’ici.
Soutenue par le Ministère de la Culture, des Communications et e la Condition Féminine, la GAM est membre du RCAAQ, de la SMQ, de l’AMC et du Conseil de la Culture du Bas-Saint-Laurent.

Galerie D’Art De Matane

520 avenue Saint-Jérôme
Matane, QC G4W 3B5
(418) 566-6687

2. appels en anglais du Canada

Call for Submissions
Southern Alberta Art Gallery Public Art Commission

The City of Lethbridge is inviting artists to participate in a three stage public art competition to create and install a public art work on site at the Southern Alberta Art Gallery.

The Southern Alberta Art Gallery has occupied a city-owned building since the first exhibition in 1976. A dedicated staff sustains and fuels the gallery’s mandate: to foster the work of contemporary artists who challenge boundaries, encourage broad public engagement and promote awareness and exploration of artistic expression. The Southern Alberta Art Gallery’s work extends to local, national and international communities.

Artists from around the world, across the country and our own hometown present a comprehensive range of ideas, subject matter and media within the context of contemporary art. The gallery also offers a wide array of educational and public programming including children and teen art classes, professional development workshops for artists, and programs targeted toward seniors and the business community.

In March 2009 the Southern Alberta Art Gallery broke ground on a major renovation intended to vastly improve public spaces while providing much needed mechanical, technical and aesthetic upgrades. In conjunction with the current renovations, the City of Lethbridge is pleased to oversee the planning, development and installation of a substantial public art project. The winning commission will be announced as part of the celebrations taking place during the grand re-opening of the gallery in September 2010.

The site for the commission encompasses a glazed alcove at the Northeast corner of the main gallery. Sealed off from the interior, this 5’ x 10’8” x 10’ space is floor to ceiling glass on two sides that extend into Galt Gardens, a formal, manicured downtown parkland. The alcove will be a secure space with power available. The alcove may provide a site of dialogue with elements that may also be installed in (or in relation to) the immediate and surrounding areas within Galt Gardens.

Total budget for the Southern Alberta Art Gallery project, inclusive of all expenses including GST, is $180,000.00. Proposal submission deadline is March 1, 2010.

Complete project details and submission requirements are available by contacting:
Suzanne Lint
Executive Director, Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge
suzanne [arobas] artslethbridge [point] org

Media Contact:
Suzanne Lint
Executive Director, Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge
suzanne [arobas] artslethbridge [point] org


Super Channel: Call to Emerging Screenwriters, Deadline January 15
Super Channel’s Super Catalyst Emerging Screenwriting Award – Jan 15
Deadline Jan 15, 2010
Super Catalyst Emerging Screenwriter Award A writer development program sponsored by Super Channel

Super Channel is committed to developing Canadian talent, so we are proud to announce that we are launching a program for unproduced feature film screenwriters. This is a great opportunity for emerging screenwriters to develop their projects and their skills with one-on-one professional guidance, and to get industry attention for their work. Four winning scripts will be chosen from entries received across Canada. Each of the winning screenplays will receive a full story editing process with one of Super Channel’s Creative Development Representatives. You will go through a four month story editing process that will result in a new draft and a polish of your script, moving your project one step closer to getting optioned and produced! When the four winning screenplays have each completed the story editing process, one national winner will be chosen and will receive a table read of their screenplay with industry influencers present in the audience. In addition, all winners will be publicized on our website and in our Super Catalyst newsletter.

If you are an unproduced feature film writer with an unoptioned screenplay, and if you have the energy and time to commit to the development of your script and your career, let us know! We want to hear from you, so if you’d like to enter, please fill out the application form on the next page, and upload it by clicking on the province in which you live on the Filmmaker’s page of our website.

About Super Channel
Super Channel is Canada’s only national pay television network, consisting of two new HD channels, four new SD channels, and Super Channel On Demand.

Super Channel’s vision is to expand the Canadian premium TV experience by offering a broad range of fresh, entertaining movies, series and live events. Super Channel is owned by Allarco Entertainment 2008 Inc., an Edmonton-based media company.

Super Channel is currently available on Bell TV, Shaw Direct, Rogers PersonalTV, Shaw Cable, Cogeco Cable, Access Communications, Bell Aliant TV, Mountain Cablevision, Source Cable, SaskTel, MTS, Novus, EastLink, Delta Cable/Coast Cable, TELUS and other regional providers.

Thanks for your interest in entering the Super Catalyst Emerging Screenwriter Award, a writer development program sponsored by Super Channel.

• You need to be Canadian or have landed immigrant status.
• You cannot have written a produced feature length screenplay.
• You must hold the rights to the screenplay you are submitting (it can’t be under option to a producer)
• The script must be feature length (between 75-120 pages).
• The script must be in industry standard formatting. (For more info on formatting, click here.)
• Each entrant may submit only one screenplay.
• You must be willing to commit to a focused development process: at minimum, delivery of a first pass on the rewritten draft within two months of the beginning of your process, and a minimum of one additional pass on the polished draft prior to the end of your four month program. Of course, additional creative materials and additional drafts will likely be written by you during the process, and your story editor will review them all.

N.B. You will retain all rights to your screenplay, and the story editor will waive all moral rights in and to the script.

Application materials:
It’s pretty simple. All we need to receive from you is this form, your screenplay and a one page synopsis that includes the ending.

Submission procedure:
To submit your project, please go to the filmmaker’s page of our website, click on the province or territory in which you live, and follow the directions to upload your script, synopsis and this form. Please write ‘Super Catalyst’ in the subject line of your email.

If you live in the Yukon, please click on BC to submit. If you live in NWT, please click on Alberta to submit. If you live in Nunavut, please click on Nova Scotia to submit.

All projects must be received by 5pm local time on Friday, January 15, 2010. If you do not receive an email confirming receipt of your application within 24 hours, please call 780-430-2800 and report this to Ashleigh Hopkinson.


Call for Submissions: Artists Survey: The Greenbelt

Gallery 1313 and the Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation are seeking interest in showcasing work of visual artists in an exhibition focussed on the Greenbelt. We are looking for artists to share their ideas of what the Greenbelt means to them and how its green spaces and agricultural lands have impacted them. We are specifically seeking artists who have lived in, spent time in and been strongly impacted by Ontario’s Greenbelt as a source of inspiration.

The Theme
We wish to explore the notion of nature (Greenbelt) which is on the edge of an urban landscape, and how it shapes our identity as Ontarians. The exhibits will explore how the Greenbelt calls to us, nurtures us, soothes us and challenges us.

We are looking for meaningful, thought-provoking dialogue on how the Greenbelt connects the urban, the rural, the city and nature.

About the Greenbelt
Ontario’s Greenbelt is a world-leading law that preserves prime farmland and green spaces around the Greater Golden Horseshoe. It gives us clean water and healthy local food. It’s bigger than P.E.I. and, in fact, is the largest Greenbelt in the world.

It saves Ontario taxpayers $2.6 billion per year in environmental services like water filtration and waste treatment. And it provides $5.4 billion to Ontario’s economy through farming and its food production.

For more information, visit

Exhibit – parameters and conditions
We invite artists from inside and outside the Greenbelt to participate. We look forward to seeing your submissions that include painting, drawing, photography, video, sculpture, fabric and soft sculpture, multi-media, etc.

The works exhibited will be selected by Patrick Macaulay , Head of Visual Arts at Harbourfront Centre and Phil Anderson , Director , Gallery 1313.

The exhibition will take place over a two-month period, from February 16 – March 30, 2010. All artwork will be returned to the artists after the exhibition is complete. Artist fees will be paid to selected exhibiting artists .

Enter a submission by January 6, 2010 to director [arobas] g1313 [point] org , attention Phil Anderson, Gallery Director, by mail or in person to Gallery 1313, 1313A Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M6K 1L8

In your submission, please include:

* Digital images of your work , jpegs no larger than 400 kb-700 kb
* Your current CV
* An Artist Statement (max. 250 words, relating your piece to the exhibition parameters)
* Contact Information (address, phone number, and e-mail)
* For more information, contact Phil Anderson at (416) 536-6778.



1) Centre for Art Tapes Call for Submissions: Local Curatorial Residency 2010

The Centre for Art Tapes is accepting submissions for our 2010 Local Curatorial Residency. We are looking for proposals that offer an exciting and engaging media art presentation that is national in scope. All electronic and new media genres will be considered. CFAT encourages proposals that critically engage with contemporary issues. A catalogue with an essay written by the curator will accompany the curator’s presentation. The total award for this residency is $5000.

Submissions must be received by 5:00 p.m. Friday January 29th, 2010.

Proposed exhibition date: Late spring into early summer 2010.

Submissions should include:
• Brief curatorial statement outlining your idea and any research that will be undertaken as part of the project.
• An approximate physical description of the proposed exhibition, including potential technical requirements, proposed venue(s) and project schedule.
• Your current curriculum vitae (max 3 pages).
• Biographies or curricula vitae of potential artists involved in the exhibition if available (max 3 pages each).
• Samples of work: Maximum 20 digital images in jpeg format, up to 1200 dpi wide at 72 dpi and/or maximum 5 minutes of video formatted for Quicktime video player.
• An approximate budget for the proposed project based on $5000 total award (artist and curator fees should be in line with the CARFAC Fee Schedule).
• A self addressed stamped envelope with sufficient postage if you wish to have your submission materials returned.

The successful candidate will be responsible for coordinating all aspects of the proposed exhibition. The curator will meet regularly with members of the CFAT Programming Committee and receive support from CFAT staff.

Submitting curators must be members in good standing of the Centre for Art Tapes at the time of submission. CFAT encourages proposals from members of under-represented communities.

Please send all submissions to:
2010 Local Curatorial Residency
c/o Centre for Art Tapes
5600 Sackville St.
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 1L2

Any questions should be directed to:Brendan Dunlop, Programming Coordinator, at
cfat [point] communication [arobas] ns [point] sympatico [point] ca or 902-420-4002.

Thanks to all that apply. Only those selected will be contacted.


On The Road is the brainchild of five of Winnipeg’s Artist-Run Centres: Platform: centre for photographic + digital arts, aceartinc., Video Pool, La Maison Des Artistes & Urban Shaman: Contemporary Aboriginal Art
Deadline for proposals: January 5, 2010 by 5pm.

A roaming exhibit in Manitoba in the summer of 2010

On The Road welcomes contemporary artists to transform an airstream trailer into an exhibition space from one month to four months next summer. The selected proposal will take into consideration community relations, rural realities, artist run culture and the specificities of a roaming gallery with an emphasis on artistic excellence.

About On The Road:

This project is dedicated to the dissemination of contemporary art by cultural producers to diverse communities in Winnipeg, Manitoba. We wish to promote equal access to art and the organizations from which it is disseminated. Thus we are committed to bringing contemporary art to people who have limited access to it due to geographical barriers. We believe that art strengthens communities via inspiration, provocation and conversation. Projects that demonstrate artistic excellence and a knowledge and interest in: aboriginal, francophone, multimedia, photographic and LGBT communities will be given priority.

Requirements: On The Road will only accept mailed-in versions for submissions.

Please visit for details


Call for creativity: Scotiabank Nuit Blanche solicits submissions for 2010

The fifth edition of Scotiabank Nuit Blanche returns Saturday, October 2, 2010 and the City of Toronto is calling on artists to participate.

Applications are now being accepted for Open Call and Independent Projects.

Fifteen Open Call projects are produced specifically for Scotiabank Nuit Blanche. They are selected by a Curator in consultation with the City of Toronto to complement the theme of the curatorial vision in each of four exhibition areas. Limited funding and production support is provided.

Open Call Submission Deadline: Monday January 25, 2010

Independent Projects are self-funded new or existing installations created by schools, neighbourhoods, community organizations, galleries or individual artists. Selected projects are chosen by an autonomous advisory committee and showcase the diversity of Toronto’s arts community throughout the city.

Independent Project Submission Deadline: Monday, February 15, 2010.

Visit and click on ‘How to Participate’ for more information.

Information Sessions
The City of Toronto will host two identical Scotiabank Nuit Blanche information sessions at Toronto City Hall. Interested artists, venues and BIAs are encouraged to attend; this is a great opportunity to learn more, ask questions, share ideas and meet other artists and Nuit Blanche organizers.

Each meeting will take place at City Hall – 100 Queen St. West, Toronto, Ontario.

1. Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 6:30 pm – 8 pm (2nd Floor – Committee Room #2)
2. Monday, January 18, 2010, 6:30 pm – 8 pm (2nd Floor – Committee Room #2)

Scotiabank Nuit Blanche is Toronto’s all-night celebration of contemporary art and is produced by the City of Toronto in collaboration with Toronto’s arts community. An annual and signature event for the City, it has been honoured with the prestigious Urban Leadership Award and the Globe and Mail Business for the Arts Award and was voted by NOW Magazine as the Toronto’s ‘Best Art Event’ in 2008 and 2009.



Short-listed candidates to submit maquettes no later than Thursday, May 18, 2010 at 2:00pm

The City of St. Albert and the Community Recognition Program Committee are pleased to announce a competition for an integrated Community Recognition Project.

ELIGIBILITY: Expressions of Interest (i.e. qualifications) may be submitted from experienced Artists or Artist teams with a demonstrated ability to produce integrated public art within parks and park infrastructure. This competition is open to local, regional, national and international artists.

The recognition project must be a combination of artistic and functional elements. The purpose of the functional element is to provide physical structures and spaces for individual and group recognition. The public artwork must incorporate 375 spaces and/or support structures to allow for annual recognition of community individuals or groups over a period of 25 years. The public art will be installed in a St. Albert, Alberta park, designed to provide access and aesthetic complement to the project. Although the park design is essentially completed, the project will be integrated into the design and infrastructure, creating an art park.

Deadline for Submissions:

* Phase 1: Proposals must be delivered no later than 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 25, 2010
* Phase 2: Short-listed candidates will be asked to submit maquettes no later than 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 18, 2010.

Completion: May 2011

Download the complete Call for Artists document:

Project Lead: Roy Bedford
Community Recreation Coordinator, City of St Albert

For more information, contact Heidi Alther, Visual Arts Coordinator, City of St. Albert, PH: 780.459.1596 or EM: halther [arobas] st-albert [point] net



We here at Match International would like your video and film submissions starting NOW!

Chosen submissions will be shown at Match International’s 1st Annual Women’s Video & Film Festival coming up in April 28th 2010-May 1st 2010. Format, genre, length, it doesn’t matter all types will be considered! Priority will however be given to works, which address the following topics:

• Women;
• Violence;
• Environment/Food Security/Climate

Please note that all films and videos will be projected digitally.

Match International request that artists agree to waive their rights to receive artist fees if their film(s) is selected. Please find submission application form online at

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: February 10th, 2010

Submission Checklist:

To ensure that your entry is accepted please be sure that the following are included:

1. Completed application and festival release form (including signature and date). Here is a link to the printable form here.
2. DVD previews ONLY (NTSC preferred for international submissions)
4. DO NOT value package at more than $5 Canadian

REMEMBER: There are no entry fees for submission.

About Match International’s 1st annual Women’s Video & Film Festival

MATCH INTERNATIONAL CENTRE is a nationally registered non-profit organization located in Ottawa, Canada.

Match International’s 1st annual Women’s Video & Film Festival is committed to searching out, promoting and exhibiting exceptional videos and films made by women or about women, providing the public, video/digital producers, filmmakers and other video and film professionals from across Canada and abroad, an opportunity to showcase their works.

MATCH International Centre
310-411 Roosevelt Avenue
Ottawa, ON, K2A 3X9
E-MAIL: ytettey [arobas] matchinternational [point] org
Telephone: (613) 238-1312 Ext. 112
Fax: (613) 238-6867

3. appels d’ailleurs

Exhibition/Event – Stones of Menace, London
Stones of Menace
Deadline: 30 January, 2010
The austere architecture of Brutalism is often vilified as producing social neglect rather than the vibrant community life envisioned by its architects.
Art, on the contrary, is mostly seen as a potent tool to for social cohesion.
In this show we would like to explore polemical perspectives on architecture and art and open up a debate on the role of culture as a source of conflict and criticism.
We are looking for work that reflects on the relationship between art/architecture and its social/physical context or on issues around creative expressions of social discontent. Work can include video, performance, 2D and 3D work, presentations/lectures.

Submission format:
Please send a DVD/CD with 5 images and/or 1-3 videos, a CV and a brief description of the proposed work to:
Scare in the Community
13 Dunmow Road
E15 1TZ London, UK
For further information: 
scareinthecommunity [arobas] yahoo [point] co [point] uk


The Rijksakademie has fifty-five studios. Annually, approximately half of these become available for new residents. In 2009, twenty-three artists were selected for a residency out of 1900 applications from all over the world. Resident artists have usually successfully completed their (art) studies and have already worked independently as artists for three to five years prior to their application. Experience shows that a residency at the Rijksakademie at this stage of their careers has the greatest impact.

One is initially admitted for a work period of one year (January to December). Whether a second year is considered worthwhile, is decided in mutual consultation.

The selection procedure consists of a number of rounds. Demonstrable artistic quality and development potential are the decisive factors here. Following the first selection rounds in April/May, a number of candidates are invited for an interview in May/June at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam. The successful candidates are announced at the beginning of July.

Application for the 2011 residency

One can apply for the coming residency (starting in January 2011) between December 1, 2009 and February 1, 2010. Note that your complete application has to be with us by February 1, 2010. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

Applicants who live outside of the Netherlands, please follow this link:


VERBO 2010



Galeria Vermelho informs that, from December 15th, 2009, to February 28th, 2010, will be accepting applications for the 6th edition of the Performance Art festival VERBO. Artists and groups interested in submit projects should fill up the application form available for download at and send it to verrbo2010 [arobas] galeriavermelho [point] com [point] br or by regular post to:


Rua Minas Gerais, 350

01244-010 – São Paulo – SP
At. Marcos Gallon

The 6th edition of the Performance Art festival VERBO will be held at Galeria Vermelho from 14th to 19th June, 2010. The program of the festival also counts with the 3rd edition of the seminar VERBO Conjugado, three workshops, as well as, book and publication launches.

Artists and groups can submitted new creations or already presented pieces on performance Art. Videos, installations, photography, painting won’t be accepted. Each artist or groups can submit 3 distinct projects. Only one will be selected.

Att general informations and application form. For more informations, please contact Marcos Gallon – marcos [arobas] galeriavermelho [point] com [point] br

Marcos Gallon / produção


Rua Minas Gerais, 350

01244010 – São Paulo – SP

Tel.: 55 11 3138 1527

skype marcos.gallon


25 heures d’art en direct sur internet

Mars 2010
Date : 11 mars, 19:00 > 12 mars, 20:00 (GMT)
Durée : 25 heures

Pour célébrer notre 25e Vidéoformes, nous invitons des partenaires du monde entier
à nous rejoindre pour démontrer leur esprit d’innovation et leur créativité artistique.
Le projet est ‘simple’ : 25h d’émissions en direct et non-stop sur internet, de la vidéo et des performances
présentées par chacun des partenaires dans le monde : night will not fall !

A chaque heure, un nouveau partenaire et un nouveau programme.

Vidéoformes sera l’opérateur principal et organisera la plate-forme technique et logistique.
En outre, Vidéoformes produira la première et la dernière émission du projet.

Chaque partenaire produira une émission de 60 minutes qui comprendra :
– Une présentation
– Une ou plusieurs performances de préference réalisé en direct
> Le contenu idéal serait 80 % de « direct ».
De plus
> Chaque partenaire assurera une diffusion des 25 heures (en vitrine, en extérieur ou lieu de passage de public, etc.)
> La langue commune utilisée (si nécessaire) sera l’anglais.
> Chaque participation devra durer 1 heure.

Further information about Videoformes / Plus d’informations sur Videoformes :
Contact : videoformes [arobas] videoformes [point] com





San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles, San Jose, California

Submission deadline: Mar. 1, 2010. ITAB, scheduled to take place Aug. 17-Oct. 31, 2010, is a juried exhibition of work by artists who explore the intersection of fibers and technology. For more information and to download the prospectus, visit online.


16 de Enero nueva sesión de « Arte en Acción » en ElCarromato, Madrid

ElCarromato es un espacio gestionado por 6 artistas mayoritariamente fotógrafos situado en el centro de Madrid. Periódicamente se realizan sesiones multidisciplinares haciendo hincapié en el ARte de Acción. Este espacio se abre al público(ya que es el propio taller de los artistas) por ver una carencia en la ciudad en este tipo de arte fuera de los festivales. Intenta ofrecer un espacio donde dar una continuidad en este tipo de arte, así como ser un laboratorio de ideas para los distintos artistas de dentro y fuera de la ciudad.

Abierto el plazo para propuestas hasta el 1 de Enero

Envíos a estudio [point] elcarromato [arobas] gmail [point] com

Para más información visitar el blog de

Más información sobre ElCarromato en

Este evento no recibe ayudas o subvenciones para existir, por lo que sobrevive con las donaciones del público.

Ana Matey
tel: 679158434/915224379


The Power of Self
You are invited to participate in a competition celebrating the power of self-portraits.


This competition is about your story, your images and the power they hold. >From Salvador Dali to Cindy Sherman the self has been the subject of most all the art world’s greats. The self-portrait transcends medium, style and period, existing in the vast space between the personal and prophetic. We all have a self-portrait. Show us yours!

Our panel of judges including actor Steve Buscemi, director/producer Chris Weitz, Guggenheim Curator Helen Hsu and Flavorpill Founder Sascha Lewis will select one portfolio of self-portraits for The Grand Prize.

The Grand Prize:

* Six months of FREE living in New York City or $7007 cash
* An art-star reception in New York City
* International publicity
* A feature in 3rd Ward Magazine

The public will also cast their vote and the highest rated portfolio will receive
Gawker Artists People’s Choice Award:

* $1,000 in cash
* An art-star reception in New York City
* International publicity

This is your moment to be discovered, send us your best work:



Exhibition Opens September, 17, 2010

TALENT AWARD of the NASSAUISCHEN SPARKASSE: MIXED MEDIA – CERAMICS – PLUS… This topic is intended to encourage innovative and inspiring works reaching beyond the limitations of traditional ceramic production techniques. Creative play should bring new artistic techniques to enable artists to go beyond the narrow boundaries for combining materials. MIXED MEDIA is free interpretation using “material” without regard for material restrictions to create an interesting artistic object. An experimental, artistic and exemplary way of using clay/porcelain as a material mixed with …The finished piece of work to be judged for the award must be an aesthetically interesting, ceramic oriented object. APPLICATION AVAILABLE via email, fax, pdf and online form.

The Jury

* Ceramics / Mixed Media Jindra Viková –Tschech Republic
* Art of History / Ceramics / Painting Annette Ody –Germany
* Modern Ceramics Franco Bertoni – Italy
* Glass / Mixed Media Jörg Zimmermann – Germany
* Nassauische Sparkasse Rainer Pribbernow – Germany

0049 (0) 2624 94 60 – 10 / info [arobas] keramikmuseum [point] de

Download auf der Website



Museo Home


MUSEO DE LAS AMERICAS in Denver invites artists and visionaries from throughout the Americas, North and South, to submit exhibition or project proposals addressing the theme Liberadores / Liberators. El MUSEO DE LAS AMERICAS en Denver, Colorado extiende una cordial invitación a todos los artistas y visionarios del Continente Americano a someter una propuestas o proyectos para participar en la exhibición titulada: Liberadores de las Americas A multi-media, multi-disciplinary exhibition featuring selected artwork, projects and / or performances will premiere at the Museo de las Americas as part of In Good We Trust 2010, DENVER BIENNIAL DE LAS AMERICAS, June 17 – August 12, 2010. Propuestas o projectos pueden ser multidiciplinarios . Los projectos seleccionados se exhibiran en el Museo de las Americas como parte de DENVER BIENAL DE LAS AMERICAS, En lo Bueno Nosotros Confiamos 2010, del 17 de Junio – 12 de Agosto 2010.



Disciplines: Dance, Drawing & Painting, Film, Literature, Media Art, Multi-media, Performing Arts, Photography, Sculpture
Target Group: International

Glogauer is an international meeting point for the visual arts. Its aim is to support and encourage contemporary artistic creation, research and debate. One of Glogauer’s main activities is its Artist in Residence Programme. The purpose of this programme is to offer a platform to promote the exchange of artistic discourses from artists with different artistic backgrounds and from different geographical origins. The programme is designed to encourage the exchange of ideas in order to broaden creative horizons and to offer the possibility of internationalising the individual projects of the resident artists. By encouraging this cultural diversity, they also hope to be able to update the debate between the artists themselves and between other professionals from the art world and the general public.

Glogauerstrasse 16, 10999 Berlin Germany
Telephone +49 30 6122275


SALON VIDEO ART PRIZE – 2010 – Matt Roberts Arts Project Space
Deadline: 23rd January, 2010
We are currently seeking submissions for the annual SALON VIDEO ART PRIZE
( ) selected by a panel of art experts including Mike Sperlinger
(Assistant Director – Lux), and Zineb Sedira (artist working in Photography, Video and installation).
40-50 artists working in video and video installation will be selected for a unique video ‘Salon’ exhibition taking place at the Matt Roberts Arts Project Space on Vyner Street, in East London. 
The exhibition will open on Thursday 4th March, 2010 and is expected to receive over 1000 visitors, including established artists, art critics and curators.
There is a selectors’ prize of £800(GBP) for an exhibitor picked out for special attention by the selection panel.
The deadline for DVD submissions and associate membership payments is 5pm, Saturday 23rd January, 2010
To enter please visit or email salon10 [arobas] mattroberts [point] org [point] uk


Art Video Screening 2010, Sweden
Art Video Screening at Örebro International Videoart Festival
Deadline: 5th March, 2010
The submission is now open for 2010 years screening event, which will be part of Örebro International Videoart Festival. The festival will take place 1-3 October 2010.
To submitt work, you need to download a submissionform
If you as a participant don’t follow the terms & conditions on the submissionform, your submission will be rejected.
Post submissionform and DVD to:
Jonas Nilsson
Art Video Screening
Tornfalkgatan 132
70349 Örebro
And email requested information to:
sub [arobas] artvideoscreening [point] se

Art Video Screening is an artist-run and non-profit initiative run by Jonas Nilsson and Eva Olsson, its an international event and platform focusing on videoart/moving image.
Art Video Screening showcases videoart/moving image in screening programmes consisting of a number of short works from artists who are pushing the elements of videopractice. Selected works will be part of Art Video Screening’s archive.
The event which is the only one of its kind in Sweden started 2005 and is having its screenings at Bio Roxy in Örebro, and is also collaborating with other art organizers and institutions.
Art Video Screening is open for new ways of showing videoart and collaborations. Art Video Screening is the initiator and head coordinator of Örebro International Videoart Festival.



Disciplines: Architecture, Curating/Research, Visual Arts
Target Group: International

Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto is a non-profit organisation endorsed by the region of Piedmont, Northern Italy. Since 1998, Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto has run the UNIDEE in Residence International Programme. UNIDEE is an interdisciplinary program, open to all creative professionals, from visual artists to cultural actors, designers to architects and all those whose practice centres around taking a responsible stance in society.

UNIDEE seeks to explore the relationship between Art and Society and fosters the role of artists and creative practitioners as activators of a responsible social change in society. During UNIDEE in Residence International Programme there are weekly seminars and a series of workshops with experts from various fields, such as economics, sustainable architecture, sociology and general culture, as well as studio visits and meetings with art critics and curators. Trips and excursions will be organised according to the programme schedule.

The participants will be working in a collective environment (no individual studios will be allocated) where, beyond the personal projects, collaborative practices are strongly encouraged, as well as exploring and engaging in initiatives and actions in the city of Biella and its surroundings.

The overall cost for the residency is ?12000, however, to support the residents, Cittadellarte receives funding from both public and private institutions, and from this partial and total grants are awarded. The maximum residents would have to pay is ?2000. The price includes: seminars and workshops, excursions, visits, lectures, tutorials and technical support, participation in Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto activities, board and lodging on the premises. The selected participants are encouraged to research their own financial support from a third party. Artist is responsible for individual traveling expenses, personal needs, insurance costs and visa if required.

Cittadellarte is located in Biella, in a former 19th century woollen mill, an historic building complex, registered with the Italian Ministry of Cultural Assets. The city of Biella has 50,000 inhabitants and is situated at the base of the foothills of the alps in the province of the same name with a population of around 200,000. It is know for its beautiful landscape as well as the important role in the history of the Italian textile industry.

A maximum of 14 to 16 places are available each year. Artists, designers, cultural actors, architects and researchers who fit the profile are welcome to apply. The basic prerequisite is a degree at university level, or to be in the process of graduating. If the applicant does not have a university degree, proof of equivalent ability must be provided through his or her artistic career. The average participant age ranges from 24 to 40.
The official language of the residency is English, and a good level of proficiency in the language is required.

Via Serralunga, 27
13900 Biella Italy
Telephone +39 15 28400 | Fax +39 15 2522540
E-mail fondazionepistoletto [arobas] cittadellarte [point] it



DEADLINES: June 30, December 31
Target Group: International

Youkobo Art Space provides a unique space for wide-ranging international exchange and cross-cultural experience, where foreign and domestic artists and people from the local community can meet and communicate with one another through exhibitions, workshops, lectures, and a variety of other events.

Youkobo Art Space is located in a tranquil residential suburb in Suginami City, central Tokyo. Youkobo Art Space is a comprehensive art facility comprised of two unique working studios, two residential spaces, a gallery, and a community lounge.
Artist pays cost of using the facilities, travel and living expenses, all materials expenses.
Application address

Zempukuji 3-2-10
Tokyo 167-0041 Japan
Telephone + 81 3 5930 5009 | Fax + 81 3 3399 7549
E-mail info [arobas] youkobo [point] co [point] jp

4. divers

Motel numérique et virtuel en ligne
Bienvenus dans Selfworld, le premier motel numérique et virtuel en ligne. Le motel dispose de 64 chambres, 64 espaces de représentation destinés à diffuser des projets, des créations et des manifestations. Les occupants sont des artistes, des théoriciens, des metteurs en scène, des compagnies ou des structures. Selfworld est un outil de création mais aussi un médium de diffusion et de communication dont l’objectif est d’apporter un nouveau mode de visibilité de la scène contemporaine et de ses événements sur le réseau.

Le motel Selfworld est un lieu de passage et de rencontre dans lequel les visiteurs et occupants participent à des événements au cours de rendez-vous annoncés sur le site et diffusés dans les chambres. Les occupants peuvent personnaliser leur espace, annoncer des évènement à venir, diffuser les répétitions et/ou les présentations, ajouter des médias et archiver leurs captations. Les visiteurs sont invités à participer avec les autres internautes en ouvrant un vidéo-chat dans les chambres.

Concrètement, Selfworld est une plateforme de diffusion, d’échange et de découverte autour de la création actuelle à destination de ses acteurs et du public. Pour les occupants et utilisateurs des chambres, Selfworld est un outil efficace et simple d’utilisation permettant de diffuser et de partager en temps réel un flux audiovisuel sur le web au moyen d’une webcam, d’un ordinateur et d’une connexion ADSL.